Adolph Galland bust...back from the dead


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Mongo Mel

A Fixture
Aug 19, 2003
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hi everybody,
Well, he's back. I've got some decent progress done on the Adolph Galland bust. Not yet back to where I was when he fell off of my workbench but getting there.
Here's a link to some pictures:

Galland pictures

To fix it, I used 2 part epoxy putty to repair the cheek and I used my Dremel to completely remove the piping on the cap. Then I used 0.03" diameter lead wire to replace it.

As always, I'd appreciate any constructive comments and criticism's.

Glad to see he is back. He looks as good or better than the first time thru! :lol:

Hey gang,
Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's much appreciated.
Next step will be the eyes and fixing the lips. Tried something there and it doesn't look good to me. Then working the hair and the cap. The body portion has the sheepskin collar about done and most of the uniform as well. Finish the uniform and I can attach the collar/coat part and paint it too. Due to how it's engineered, you have to paint the uniform and the collar first. Then attach them to finish it.
Thanks again,
PS: I put the kamikaze bust on hold for now. At MFCA I bought United Empire Miniatures "Dracula in red armor" bust and I'm hot to do it. It's in primer and ready to go :).
I also bought the new Pilipili "Osage Indian" bust while there. It's a very good looking piece but it has a fair amount of pin holes that will need filling, which surprised me.
I also picked up Drac in red at MFCA. It's really a very nice piece! Old AG looks good, I'll watch this closely, as I have a few(okay, alot) of half destroyed pieces that could do with some reworking.

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