As Mr. Readdie and several other have mentioned, this will be
such a really nice vignette. . . because it deals with emotions.
It touches on feelings that we as humans are touched by —
especially with animals.
And in this case the loyal dog ministering to his
master. Yes, I am a sensitive person, and I am glad that these
kinds of moments help me to care about other. Reading
about the story, and your whole concept brought tears to
my eyes. Yes, I was a dog owner, the best pal I ever had,
who died at age 13. But I think of that great little guy, that
important member of the family, so often, it seems. As you know,
dogs love us unconditionally! There are no boundaries or
stop points for their love of their masters. I will watch this project
with interest. A great story. . . Congrats. . . on finding it! As you
realize the whole idea of art. . . . and model building/figure modeling
can be an art. . . is to touch the human heart! To bring beauty and
meaning into our lives. . .
The Miami Jayhawk