Review Alai from Galapagos Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi one and all.

Following on from the release announcement by Galapagos of a new bust and the review also done by PF member Gary here:

I was lucky enough to be sent a copy for my look at it as well thanks to Ju-Won for the opportunity
On this release Galapagos continue in the Fantasy Hero area , female and well armed is of course

Galagos Alai 002.jpgGalagos Alai 001.jpg

Details of the release are:

Title : Alai The Templars Atonement

Reference: GP-B010

Scale: 1/10th

Parts: 13 resin plus a story card

Material :Light Lavender gray Resin

Sculptor: Ju-Won Jung

Casting: Ju-Won Jung

Box Art: Ju-Won Jung ( on the left above )

Additional Box Art: Marko Miladinovic (from Craftworld Studio)

StoryLine: Yolanta C. Siu

Graphics: Yeon-Min Jung

This is the 10th as you can see here for your delight are links to the others ...all very good as each other and all displaying the skill of the sculptor himself

On now to this young lady ...a warrior for sure fighting for the pride of her race and to right previous wrongs

As always the parts are very well packed between 3 foam layers with the top having cutouts holding the resin safely in place

Galagos Alai 005.jpg

On opening the well formed stylish box we are treated to a story card as always a nice touch and something to collect and enjoy , reading is easy with a story of Alai being well written

A story on one side with the Galapagos seal and with concept artwork on the other

Galagos Alai 004.jpgGalagos Alai 003.jpg

Galagos Alai 006.jpg

The piece consists of 13 parts , the main torso ,head, left hand , right arm, cloak , 2 feather attachment pieces , 3 hair pieces , sword blade and the upper sword handle and finally a base


This is minimal on all pieces consisting of easy to access casting remnants , the hair side pieces are a little fiddly to locate but look good when on place , the sword was slightly bent on my sample but this is easily solved by rubbing with your natural finger warmth ...or if you are careful water dip.

Plan you build parts fit is excellent , I suggest you dry fit first the arms and then paint and add once access to the torso is completed .

General comments

  • Casting is very high quality
  • The definition of all the sculpted areas is equally of the same high quality
  • Resin is super smooth on all pieces air bubbles or blemishes
  • For me its a small 1/10th comparing with others I have here
Looking at the pieces now beginning with the:

Main Torso

Alai wears a cloak the work on the folds and the way it sits on the torso is spot on

On the right upper arm some nicely worked mail , the lower arms on the piece are armoured with the left arm being cast onto the torso the lower arm this is accurately done to accept the gloved hand and also the cloak piece that hangs over the arm itself

On the garment she wears there is very neat lacing this is echoed on the left arm ...very sharp detail sculpting , there is also lacing at the neck area holding in armour , coming out of this is the collar with decoration engraved on it

Our warrior is armoured well on the breast area's , I am happy to say that everything isnt overdone in respect her female form

The actual breast armour is a delight to look at the right side having a winged piece ...well done , along the inside edge there are small feathers , accentuating the female form , the same details are on the left side except the winged parts

The icing on the cake as regards her torso is without doubt the lions head on the left shoulder , glittering with feather detail around the edges ........a triumph

Galagos Alai 007.jpgGalagos Alai 010.jpgGalagos Alai 011.jpgGalagos Alai 013.jpg Galagos Alai 012.jpg

Galagos Alai 008.jpg

On the underside there is a roundel for locating the base or for drilling to place a brass rod in plus a signature stamp

Galagos Alai 014.jpg

Now to the Head

A demure looking young lady with some very delicate features , a slight turned up nose , lips slightly open , the eye details are excellent , beautifully formed shape with good definition

Her ears are pointed ..of course and again well detailed ...casting again shows this up well

At the sides there are locating holes for the side hair pieces with a shaping at the rear for her pony tail fit

Gary mentioned a casting line on his ...I had to look really hard o my piece ..but its easy to deal with

The hair is well done particularly on the left being plaited with tiny bows in each one , on the right her hair tresses are running behind the ear , very natural in look .

At the back it looks a little soft in definition but not detrimental to the piece

Fit to the collar area of the torso is simple and secure

Galagos Alai 020.jpg Galagos Alai 015.jpgGalagos Alai 017.jpg

Galagos Alai 021.jpgGalagos Alai 019.jpg Galagos Alai 016.jpg

Galagos Alai 019.jpg Galagos Alai 018.jpg

Continued in next post

Now to the remainder of the pieces


The right is the lower arm fully armoured , good definition between the plates of steel , sharp undercuts as well , the lower arm being encased with feather detail work at the elbow location, there is also feather work peeking out from beneath the armour at the upper arm

The hand and fingers are of course also armoured with good detail on individual finer sections , the hand itself is gripping what will be the sword ( the handle fitting into the underside .

Fit to the torso is again no issue

Galagos Alai 023.jpgGalagos Alai 022.jpg Galagos Alai 024.jpg

The left piece consist of a gloved hand ( leather perhaps ) , excellent finger work with nice studs being in place on the edge and knuckle area's

Galagos Alai 027.jpgGalagos Alai 025.jpg


3 main pieces , a cloak , a collar piece , and a feathered piece

Looking at the cloak this hangs naturally over the left arm with the same very well done folds and creases , fit is again easy and presents no problems

Galagos Alai 028.jpgGalagos Alai 029.jpg

The collar piece continues with the feathered theme in a really nice flowing design style , fit again no issues

Galagos Alai 030.jpgGalagos Alai 031.jpg

The feathered piece that fits on the lower edge of the lion shoulder piece easily and consists of a wide variety of feathers , different in sculpting and all adding a interesting section to the piece when in position

Galagos Alai 032.jpgGalagos Alai 033.jpg

Hair Pieces

2 side and one pony tail are provided , the side pieces are long and hangs nicely at each side fitting into the each locating holes on the face sides .....

One good thing to note is that the left has a small tab on the side of the face to fit to in addition to the holes chance of trying to fit on wrong side

The Pony tail fits easily into the round former at the rear of the head ( you can see this in the parts picture earlier )

In place the pieces look good but IMO the surface details look a little soft

Galagos Alai 037.jpg

Also in the above picture is the lower part of the sword handle , fitting into the hand simply , there is a decorated top to it with a cross design

Sword blade

This was held safely at the bottom of the box to prevent any damage , if it should be slightly bent then use the methods I mentioned earlier

The cross bar is shaped with the actual blade bevelled nicely

Galagos Alai 036.jpg

Base post

A simple post for me something I would choose not to use but the choice is yours of course , should you use then I suggest pinning is a must

Galagos Alai 038.jpg

Final Thoughts

Its good to see Galapagos still releasing and always a pleasure to share my thoughts , fantasy is a very popular area of the hobby and this contributes well to the choice , plenty of details to get the brushes round and to do paint effects on

Casting and overall presentation is a really high calibre with excellent customer service as expected


You could also contact Ju Won by e mail

[email protected]

Why not visit the website:

Or by PM on this forum


Thanks to you all for looking in and thanks to Galapagos for the review piece

Happy modelling to you all

Good review as always. Not into fantasy, but certainly looks to be a fun paint.