" And quiet flows the Don "


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79. Day, February 18, 2019

Today my "daily report" comes a bit later than usual - the weather was just too nice (17 degrees, sunny) to stay inside!

What is still missing is the sticker, which labels my "film can" and einedn reference to the figures shown.

I decided after all on this variant ...:

The only thing that bothers me is this reference to the 50th anniversary ...:

That does not fit with the "old film can" that I made and especially not to the sticker, which should also look "old", and must still be aged!

So I picked out the 1957 logo of the former production company "Mosfilm" ...

... changed it with an image editing program suitable colored, mounted in the poster and so the unwanted spot covered ...:

Then the poster was scaled down to the required size (scarce 3 x 4 cm), duplicated (as a reserve, if I make manure!) and printed ...:

I carefully rubbed a "gray cast" on the paper with dark brown pastel chalk, which I rubbed with a handkerchief, to create an "old" impression ...:

The difference to an untreated mini-poster is obvious ...:

Then I stuck the paper on the tin - as a "glue" I used old - yellowish - boat paint.

The boat paint is solvent-based and does not attack the water-based printer ink, meaning that the colors do not run.

Finally, I used a brush, the top of which was moistened with this boat paint, scraps of dark brown pastels chalk and dabbed moisture spots (so-called "foxing") on the paper.

That was all this morning.

And just now I have the pastel chalk on the poster still very thin with matte acrylic paint from the spray can fixed.

"Can" and sticker match now perfectly together, I think!

Both seem as if the "film can" had lain in a dank damp basement room for years.

And yet, the movie title and the hint that it is a film (the blue perforated book!) are still recognizable ...

Despite choosing a different label it looks great , the way it's aged is excellent

What's the Russian wording say as a matter of interest ?

Thanks for sharing


PS Hope you have the next one ready to go after the can is mounted !
What's the Russian wording say as a matter of interest ?

Shortly said, the original is a poster that points to a screening of the film, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the publication of the book by Mikhail Sholokhov.

"Тихий Дон", spoken "Tichy Don" (the big red letters) is the title and means "Quiet Don" (in English "And quiet flows the Don").

The film's director, Sergey Gerasimov is named, as also the film's leading actors, at first Pjotr Glebov ("Grigori Melechow") and - secondly - Elina Bystrizkaja ("Aksinja Astachowa") .

These are my figures.

As I said: I matches 100 percent, also, the content ...

80. Day, February 19, 2019

At the end, I added a reference to the subject of "film" to the socle sign, namely an original film strip, which I received from a friend.

Unfortunately, today's pictures are again...

The beautiful weather of the past few days has disappeared and the clouds hang down almost into the garden, so I had to take pictures with artificial light ...:

As soon as it gets brighter outside, I will deliver another pair of better final photos ...
