PlanetFigure Supporter
Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so here is my latest project. It is Andre'
Messena, one of Napoleon's generals. It is based on a LePlumet print, and one I found on the net.
Just changed the arm position, the rest about the same as the print. Eisenbach horse, Metal Modeles
hussar legs, and bits. A few Historex pieces, and the riders head from spares. The rest is Magic Sculpt,
and as always painted in acrylics, and printers ink for the metals. Comments are always welcome.
Thanks for looking.
Messena, one of Napoleon's generals. It is based on a LePlumet print, and one I found on the net.
Just changed the arm position, the rest about the same as the print. Eisenbach horse, Metal Modeles
hussar legs, and bits. A few Historex pieces, and the riders head from spares. The rest is Magic Sculpt,
and as always painted in acrylics, and printers ink for the metals. Comments are always welcome.
Thanks for looking.