Completed Andrea Miniatures 54mm Apache Warrior


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Aug 18, 2004
Hickory Hills, Illinois (Chicago Burbs)
Hi everyone,

I just finished this oldie but goodie from Andrea, their 54mm Apache Warrior released in 1999. He has been in my gray army ever since and, I thought, deserved some recognition.

I decided to paint him as a Chiricahua Apache and member of Geronimo's hostile band, circa 1886.

The figure was not really modified, but the head, a separate piece, sat a little high on the shoulders and the hair seemd to float above the shoulders. I drilled out the neck to lower the head a little, and bent the edges of the hair down a bit to sit on the shoulders.

This was also my first attempt to paint a calico shirt, widely worn at the time. I think the pattern is a little large for the scale but even with my Optivisor, I have some limits. I mention this just so no one asks why the apache I painted is wearing a Hawaiian shirt.:)

The groundwork was done with, my typical, pieces of slate and Magic Sculpt to tie everything together (as I described in my thread for Orinia's 28mm US Cavalry vignette). I also added two dead tree trunks made from small pieces of driftwood for a little variety.

Everything was painted with acrylics.

Thanks for looking,






Apaches are a fascinating and much neglected and maligned subject.That is some serious painting there.I love how you managed to portray an environment that oozes apacheria.Very well done indeed.

You have a knack for the subject matter and the groundwork is some thing else. I would be over The moon if this was mine. As Oda has said a much maligned subject. Fantastic painting.
Very well painted and presented. I just finished the Semper Fidelis Apache. I did not try a calico shirt though; I wanted the cavalry jacket to be the color spot of the figure.
The paintwork is great and the groundwork really sets the figure off Ken:).
I'm wondering though why he is wearing an Hawaiian shirt:p:D.
Apaches are a fascinating and much neglected and maligned subject.That is some serious painting there.I love how you managed to portray an environment that oozes apacheria.Very well done indeed.


You have a knack for the subject matter and the groundwork is some thing else. I would be over The moon if this was mine. As Oda has said a much maligned subject. Fantastic painting.

Thanks Oda and Bob!

I must admit I've only done a small number of Native American figures over the years. However, the reason was, I was never satisfied with my ability to paint the correct flesh tones. I have several more in my gray army that need painting and I'm feeling a little more confident now. More to come...

Nice work, I very like the style of Shading...

Cheers Borek :)

Very nice. Great subject and the base really sets it off well.

Very well painted and presented. I just finished the Semper Fidelis Apache. I did not try a calico shirt though; I wanted the cavalry jacket to be the color spot of the figure.

Very nice done


Lovely painting, and the groundwork takes it to another level. I really like what you've done with this one.

- Steve

Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind comments.

This was a fun figure to do and I love , as you may have guessed, doing groundwork from the American West.

superb painting Ken, everything is just working perfectly together !
one point though : that doesn't look right for an hawaiian ground ... ;) LOL

anyway do not bother : the shirt looks perfect !
Awesome job Ken! As other's have mentioned the is fantastic, and really adds to the overall ambiance

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