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Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Andrea has updated their page with a few figures that really appeals to me.
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Heres a few of my favourites:



Hi all!

Ok,I'll make some comments about Thor:

Norse and ancient Germanic Mythology are of my favorites so I'll have to mention aome mistakes on Thor.

1) Thor is not supposed to have a helmet with wings-everyone knows that Vikings never had winged or horned helmets.

2) Thor's hammer is absolutely wrongly sculpted.I cannot send you a picture(sorry :(),but this hammer was supposed to be a throwing hammer,much smaller than this.These hammers had cylindrical heads,while what the sculptor has sculpted in this figure as a hammerhead was the lower ending of the handle(probubly made like this so that the hammer spins when thrown against the idea...sorry...)

3)Thor should have no armor,and if he had one,this would be a simple chainmail.

4)Thor would have different metallic pins for his cloak.

With these corrections you may have a more mythological Thor,but this figure is still a great 3D production of a modern times illustration about this popular mythical god,so I still like it a lot!

Heres some pictures of amulettes of Mjölner from the viking era.





Well its clearly stated that the vikings had neither horns or feathers. Their gods is a different matter. There are differencies in the descriptions of what they looked like.

I think however the sculptor was inspired by the romantical view on the vikings in the 19th-century.

I think the wings are more like a Marvel Comics thing. Stan Lee's Thor (or The Mighty Thor) seems to have played a role in providing inspiration to this sculptor.
And so, similarly, has Mårten Eskil Winge's 1872 portrait titled "Thor's battle against the giants".

While we're nit-picking about an aesthetically pleasing piece... while Thor wields Mjollnir, and has a rather sad looking Megingjord around his waist, the sculptor appears to have made the all too common mistake by not sculpting Thor's special iron gloves - without which, together with Megingjord he was not able to wield his formidable weapon, Mjollnir.
The painter has made a similarly unforgivable error as well by not painting Thor's hair red, but rather brown. It is well known that Thor, son of Odin and Jord, is the red-haired and bearded nature god of thunder.


It's mentioned in the Prose Edda.

According to one myth in the Prose Edda, Loki was flying as a hawk one day and was captured by Geirrod. Geirrod, who hated Thor, demanded that Loki bring his enemy (who did not yet have his magic belt and hammer) to Geirrod's castle. Loki agreed to lead Thor to the trap. Grid was a giantess at whose home they stopped on the way to Geirrod's. She waited until Loki left the room then told Thor what was happening and gave him her iron gloves and magical belt (Megingjord) and staff. Thor killed Geirrod and all other frost giants he could find (including Geirrod's daughters, Gjálp and Greip).

Hi all!

Yeap,guys,I agree about the belt and gloves,sorry i didn't mention them as well!Thor had red hair,that's true,too,but we can fix this one easily ;).Thanks for the pictures Uruk Hai,that's what I had in mind!There is a Germanic mini statue,but I cannot understand the form of the hammer at all!Anyway,I asked a friend from Finland about the head of the hammer and told me that the cylindrical part is supposed to be the head.However,I cannot be sure,because in most of your pics this part is missing...

If somone is a specialist,I would really like to know the truth :)


P.S.-With a simple conversion this figure can turn into a great Thor or even a Dark Ages warrior(Viking Saxon etc.)
Actually from what Ive learn the hammer is made by dwarves and part of an bet with the dwarves.

To make a long story short, Loke transform himself to a bee that stungs the dwarves which makes the handle of the hammer comes out a little short and as its not perfect the dwarves looses the bet.

Ill go back and check my sources on that matter. However Rudi, your text is very similar to that on the english version of Wikipedia which sometimes falls short.
Ill get back to this after the weekend, some time has passed since Ive read those stories last time. :)

Well then how about "The Culture of the Teutons", Volume 2, Ch15 The Gods pages 270 - 276... the section titled "Fighting the Demon"...

1st line of 2nd paragraph:
"Once upon a time the god was enticed by Loki into setting out for the realm of the giants without his hammer and customary accoutrements of belt and gloves."

Also check out this page (section 122) in Brodeur's translation of the Prose Edda:
Hello Figureteers!

Sorry for being a little bit late with my reply but Ive been a little busy lately.

However checking this up a bit.

Theres no doubt that Tor had his belt of strength. The amount of strenght varies a bit but the most common is that it doubles his strength. But I noticed that it isnt mentioned that much but rather implied.

The gloves are refered to only on Wikipedia, from what Ive found out.

There are a few version about when Tor through Loke´s bet gets his hammer Mjölner. But there are only minor differencies, the only major is that the names of the dwarves varies.

No were is mentioned that he needs the belt to wield the hammer nor the gloves. The belt being in his possesion before he gets the hammer.

Some things that makes me wonder is that Tor is to be the son of Oden and Jord, but Ive never heard Odens wife to be called anything else but Frigg.

I admit that this is not my specialty but Ive seen other claiming that Snorre Sturlassons Edda somewhat differs from the traditional Ice-Landic Sagas.

Reading and updating myself a bit, I notice that Tor often is described bareheaded. No helmet and certainly no wings on the helmet. I think theyre an 19th century addtion.


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