A Fixture
AMROM-G10- Punic wars
Metal, 75mm
Jose Jarque
Ares Mythologic - Draconia miniatures
Metal, 75mm
Jose Jarque
Ares Mythologic - Draconia miniatures
Is it just me, or the chainmail is not the best, especially at this scale? Maybe if I could see a larger picture without the paint...
...Mainly, the Javelin (or Pilum). Is this correct for this time period? ...
It's also nice to see this Roman wearing the correct colored tunic as this color was the norm vs. the red that Hollywood has made us believe to be correct.
Thanks Harry. I thought the red tunics, while they were worn, were not worn normally by the rank and file due to the cost and dyes that were needed at the time to produce red tunics. It was my understanding the red tunics were normally worn by officers and senior centurions (NCO's). Is this correct or incorrect?
Jim Patrick