Argyraspides - Pegaso 90mm


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A Fixture
Apr 22, 2016
Hello Everybody,

I just finished painting this incredibly well sculpted 90mm figure from Pegaso. Not much to say here... the quality was excellent, there was almost zero preparation needed, and it was an absolute joy to paint. I couldn't recommend this figure enough :)

As always, done exclusively in oils.






H Phil

Another cracking paint , really like the leatherwork , nice fleshtones as well

Good base choice , like the way the groundwork looks on it and the angle of the figure

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime


PS why not enter in October's FOTM as well
Thanks everybody for all the kind words. They're much appreciated :)

For Scott (and others who might be interested), all the metals were done as follows:
  1. A base of bronze metallic oil paint (Williamsburg) was mixed with Burnt Umber and Terra Verte (both from Old Holland) and applied to all the metal areas.
  2. Shading was then added with Payne's Gray (Violet Shade) (Williamsburg) in the appropriate areas. (The violet was used because it contrasts nicely with the yellow, golden color of the highlights).
  3. Highlights were then added using Antique Gold Metallic oil paint (Schmincke Mussini).
  4. An additional set of more extreme highlights was added with Iridescent White metallic oil from Winsor & Newton.
All this was done in a "wet-on-wet" style where all the shadows and highlights are applied directly to the wet oil paint base, and then blended together.
Once everything was dry, I then went back again... this time emphasizing certain light/shadow areas and making sure all the inlays and patterns on the armor were made clean and distinct.
I hope that helps!
From one Phil to another - superb job! I love the choice of colours and the tightness of your detail work. I found your explanation of the process very interesting.

Superb! Nice insight to your techniques to produce such a fine artwork.

I've been looking for wooded bases/plinths like that one with the eroded natural corner..can you tell where it comes from?
Superb! Nice insight to your techniques to produce such a fine artwork.

I've been looking for wooded bases/plinths like that one with the eroded natural corner..can you tell where it comes from?

Hi Peter,

I'm glad you enjoyed this now at least 2.5 year old post! It's been quite some time since I've been active (a little more on that below), but I do actually remember where I purchased the base for this guy. It was at the MFCA show in Philadelphia from Last Calvary models - they can be found here. I hope this helps.

For those of you who have also provided some kind words since this was originally posted, thank you very much - they are much appreciated!!


For those of you care about this sort of thing (and trust me, I know I'm flattering myself here) - it's been at least two years since I've been active in this great community. Two years ago, I needed a change of scenery and moved to somewhere completely different from where I was previously living (there were a ton of life factors that went into this - it was pretty drastic). Since then, I haven't had the opportunity to do any painting at all - and it's been very missed. With that said, this couldn't have been more timely, because I'm finally settled into my new house, life, etc. and after this week, I'll have my new studio setup and I'll be painting and posting again! YAY!

Anyway, I plan on posting step-by-steps as before, and anything else that others might find helpful.
Once again, thanks everybody!!