Austerlitz - another flag captured


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It's marvellous. I'm really enjoying seeing this develop as Cuirassiers are definintely one of my favourite branches of Napoleon's army.


Very nice
Ivo, may I ask what thickness of copper you have used for the flag ?
You are the best at this Ivo imo. You know from our previous posts that I love the subject matter of Monsieur Jacquemin at Austerlitz. I believe that you did this very same subject in Historex years ago.
Hello Ivo,

Perhaps it is too late, but the pose is not good for this figure. The right shoulder must be raised for this pose. Since he is wearing the cuirass, then the cuirass must be raised at the right shoulder - and tilted down at the left. Otherwise it looks like he has a dislocated shoulder - very painful and unrealistic! This pose is impossible without raising the shoulder along with the arm.

It would only be a case of adding a wedge at the figure's waist to raise the shoulder.

I hope this helps!


Mike Good
hi Mike

thanks for your comment, I appreciate.

I know what do you say.

I searched an arm that sort parallel to the body and not directed to the sky...for that reason I add a wedge as suggest and as you can see from the picture below,I don't if isn't enough

today make modification is too late. in any case thanks again, we wil discuss about the figure next MFCA;)
Francois Jacquemin . Austerlitz 1805 (5).jpg