Bill Horan.


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Pretty outrageous and aggressive statement for post number 1. Hope you do not continue with this attitude on this forum with future posts.
Would be good to see some of your outstanding work and maybe a list of publications that your work is available to see. I wait in anticipation to see some of your painting, conversions and sculpting but I guess that is not going to happen.:eek:
Have a nice day.
As a first post this is quite an introduction to the forum community indeed!!!
If it's not some stupid prank as we may assume it to be, I hope Mr Kermit limits his contributions to these three, i.e. his first one, his last one and his only one!!!
Mr Kermit,
There is nothing more that i have to say that is allready been said.
If this is your first post, let it be your last.
If not, then i would like to see some of your best work. I have enough for one scratchbuild and painted figure...
Then we all can see if you can indeed compete with the honored Mr. Bill Horan.
I was glad to meet him last year, and it is beside a great modeller a very warm and respectfull man.....
Phil, a couple of clarifications regarding your comments about Bill Horan.

Bill terms his works "conversions", owing to his documented use of commercial parts. Only his baseball figures, I believe, could be considered to be "sculpts", in the sense of being created from scratch.

Regarding sculpting, I not aware that he's ever produced an original bust, like the Russian gentleman you referenced, although I am no final authority on that subject.

Regarding his painting, Bill made advances in the state of the art that were significant at the time. Like an athlete who smashes a record by a large margin, Bill's figures altered the landscape of the hobby, and inspired many to push the art form in many new directions, and for that, as well as his many other contributions to this hobby, his reputation has been well earned.

Notwithstanding the sadly misinformed, not to mention unnecessarily spiteful, comments of the newly-arrived Mr. Wilkinson.

(Great first impression.)

Sometimes we treat "famous" and "best" as synonyms, when they are not.

Sometimes our "opinions" appear in the guise of "statements", when they are not.

This is an imperfect medium, to be sure. But I'm glad we have it!

Best regards,


I absolutely agree with everything you have written, especially the "best" and "famous" comparison...although being the best (as in BIS all over the world in BIll's case) does make you somewhat famous.
If Kermie here has had a bad personal experience with Bill and this is his way of getting "revenge", then I think he may have only succeeded in making Bill chuckle.
And if he actually feels that Bill "can't paint", then how serious can we take him? He may be very young , too; that's a possibility. A jealous kid?
Really , I think Kermie here is pulling our leg, doesn't care about being popular, and has gotten all the juice he wanted out of such a post.
I was around when Bill started, and he was wowing them then and still is, everywhere. I know he is a pioneer, as Shep Paine was in the very beginning, that's why I mentioned them together. IMO, Bill started so many on the "make your own figures" approach to minis...and opened up that expansion of it.
I'm just spinning from the work of this new fellow (new here) and didn't really mean to make a comparison or " better than Bill" comment; just that there's someone we've never seen before to bring a new level of excellence to what we do. If it came off that way in my post, then allow me to clarify it.
BTW, I'd kill for a Horan baseball figure...
The last thing you will ever see.............

Incredible words!!!!

Bill is one of my favorite scupltor and painter I've ever seen. He is one of my master, his work it is what's we call the Art of Figure Painting and Sculpting.
I actaually found it quite a laugh to read, what else can you do with a statement like that, its obviously a joke or a attempt at getting attention, it obviously is working as he has had 35 visits to his profile, and yes i was one of the 35 :eek:.

Come on Kermit, show yourself, dont be shy now :)

I thought it was funny at first read, too.
I mean, you just knew the guy was going to get a rise out of pretty much everyone on this website, and unless the guy lives in a cardboard box down by the river, he knew he wasn't going to be Mr. Congeniality here.
But whatever the guy has written, and no matter how many are offended and feel the need to go at this guy, he's entitled to his opinion.
I once met a guy in a film course who said he thought that Marlon Brando wasn't that good in "On the Waterfront"...
It's my guess that it will be his one and only post.
But whatever the guy has written, and no matter how many are offended and feel the need to go at this guy, he's entitled to his opinion.

Opinions, everyone is entitled to one, but the delivery is pretty lame and shows no decorum- particularly for a first post.

I chose to leave this thread open to stand as an example how NOT to introduce oneself.

Kind of a Vlad the Impaler thing ;)
Not to beat a dead horse (or a dead frog in this case?) , I just want to make a quick thanks to all you guys on the planet. Your quick wit, willingness to participate in helping others do better than their last project, birthday wishes and commiseration in bad times and the comraderie in general keeps me coming back almost daily!

Carl, your last post left me laughing so hard I almost.....never mind.

Thanks all

Kevin D.
When Michelangelo finished David, a brave soal critisized that the statue needed a corrected nose, thank God he never updated it ... today we marvel that it is the most perfect figure in the world done by man!

For many Bill Horan has been and still is an inspiration, his body language changed the concept from manequine toysoldiers to animated story telling figures. Too bad you have not seen that yourself ...

What a prat,i rmember seeing bills gandamak diorama at euro in 1988 and its still the best piece of modeling and painting i've ever seen,although i dont sculpt or convert figures this guy was an inspiration to me back then and still is,i echo the views of my fellow modelers,its a bloody insult,as i'm writing this i still dont know if it was a wind up or not,must be a muppet with a name like kermit:cool::cool:
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