Bill Horan.


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Hi all,

I thought I would get attacked for my comments about Bill Horan's book & his painting skills. I normally paint Space Marines & I have sold them on Ebay for £80.00 and more. If you could kindly show me how to list them on your forum, I would gladly list my work. I have seen Bill Horan's work and I really hate it. I mean, come on, he can't paint. Please don't kick me, everyone is entitled to his comments. I have to say, I hate his so-called painting skills.

Don Johnson said, "...Bill made advances in the state of the art..." What!!! Are you serious? Listen!!! Yes, he is quite good at conversion, but his painting skills (or lack of them) is lacking.

Hear is another so-called painter. Shep Paine, or what ever he calls himself. I sadly bought his book. This was a person that lived during the 70's period. When I first started painting figurines, I contacted him to ask his advice. This is what he said, "I don't want to give you my secrets, they were learned over many years. This is the kind of nonsense that turned a lot of painter off.

I'm sorry if I upset people that worship Bill Horan, personally, his work is amiature. If you would like to see my work, just tell me how to post it. believe, I can paint.

btavis said, "You're funny." Why am I funny???? Doh, funny in what way?? Because I slagged Mr. Bill Horan off?? Listen!!! I can't stand his work, what is the matter with that???

Okay, you might love his work, but please be honest, please tell the truth about his work, don't be worried about what he might say.

I HATE HIS WORK..................

I will not judge a book by its cover. Open a Photobucket account, it is free. Then take a link, which will be under the picture that you downloaded to your photobucket account and then post it in where you will or would make a comment.

Hope to see your work.

If this guy lost his tongue, he'd have no taste at all!

He's either a moron or a joke. Either way he's not worth further responses (unless he wants to post photos of his "80 Pound" work here). And if money is his criteria for success, someone should this clown that Horan and Shep sell single pieces of their work for thousands of dollars.

Space Marines????????????
This guy doesnt know when to quit, does he? After the first post, I thought it was a bad attempt at a joke, but now I'm not so sure. Alright Peter, lets assume for a minute you're a freaking amazing painter, superior to even Horan. Even if that were true, why attack others? You're posts are ugly and disrespectful. Simply put, you have no class - and you'll find no friends here. Grow up or get lost.

I said you were funny because I laugh at idiots.

Kermie: I must apologize for calling you a troll. Trolls can be very irritating, but at least they have more sense than to believe the nonsense they write. Sorry, trolls.
If you have uploaded pix to Ebay, the principle is the same here. Upload your pix to an online site like PhotoBucket or Picasa's internet file, right click the file, select "Copy Image Location", and post it at the Message icon that says "Insert image" Be sure to remove the "http://" text if it causes duplication. There might be a better way to do this here, but this way always works for me.
We're all anxious: to see some real figure painting, Kermit. :rolleyes:

Kermie: I must apologize for calling you a troll.

Troll (Internet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"What is a troll?":
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

No apology from me for doing the same. I think the shoe fits.

Kermie, do you honestly not know how to post photos? Please.
Get those picture up so that we can all see if you can put your money where your mouth is.

Or you can send them to me, and I will post them for you.
Mike! Just as a point of clarification, I wasn't apologizing to Kermie. I was apologizing to trolls for placing Kermie on their level. Under the bottom of the barrel is a stone, and under the stone... :D

You say you thought you'd get attacked for your comments about Bill Horan's painting and books.

Let me set you straight; we're not attacking you for having an opinion about Bill Horan or Shepad Paine (no matter how much we disagree with it); we're attacking you for the ugly, disrespectful, ignorant, arrogant, conceited and malevolent way you chose to express your opinions on this forum.

Typically new members introduce themselves, post a few photos of their work and contribute to discussions on the forum by posting honest, but respectful, comments. New members are typically made to feel very welcome to this forum and are encouraged to share their passion for our hobby with us.

On the other hand, you've chosen to introduce yourself by spewing forth your hateful opinions about two people who rightfully occupy a very high status within the international modelling community, and then ask us not to kick you. Who the hell do you think you are??? You ask us to believe that you're a great painter, but no one has ever heard of you. I think you're delusional.

You ask for honesty, well here's my honest opinion.

You lack class, you lack humility and you lack the good sense to keep your hateful, disrespectful opinions to yourself.

In my honest opinion, I hope Gordy closes this thread and cuts you off this forum and prevents you from sharing your ignorant, hate-filled comments with the rest of us.

Honestly, I greatly admire both Bill Horan and Shepard Paine as painters and as convertionists/ sculptors and I regard them both as two of the greatest pioneers in the history of our hobby.

I honestly believe you are full of shit.
Gents, we know this person has an agenda. We know this person enjoys watching our blood-pressure boil. We're getting a little out of hand here, and to be honest we've got the right to, but let's try to be polite about this and stop making the situation worse by posting.

Report this person and let the admins deal with him accordingly.

- Hiroshi
Kermit, HATE is a big and powerful word especially when it refers to a person whom you know little or nothing about personally.
Your comments have gone far beyond a joke and are actually starting to truly upset our members. I now feel enough is enough of your hate filled comments and you are obviously quite happy to continue to carry on with your outrageous and aggressive comments on this forum.
Not acceptable.
Good bye Kermit.
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