WIP Blücher in oils


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Staff member
Jun 27, 2009
Brussels Belgium
After several weeks away from the bench, old Blücher is slowly progressing and almost reaching the end of his calvary!
Detailing the aiguillettes and embroidery and giving him a proper hairdo is all that needs to be done.
And then it's on to more colourful work!

P1010258.JPG P1010259.JPG


Hi Pierre

Mmmmm...sure I've seen this piece somewhere ...lol

Your doing a lovely very job on your version , it's Interesting to see how others paint this , nice work on the medals and the portrait

Liking the fleshwork as well

Will you be doing the moustache/eyebrows brown and the hair more gray ? Apparently it's known he dyed his facial hair ....the other was hidden under the cap !

Nice selection on the bench

Following with interest

Happy benchtime

Thank you all for the comments.

Didn't know old Gebhard dyed is hair, but thanks for the info Kevin.

Bill, that is an old Fort Duquesne bust of Ii Naomasa, by Augie Rodriguez.

also a very nice looking piece,you and Kev can hold a competition :)
very lovely done

Just good to see Pierres painting .....and he's very helpful with info .....oh and I have the Russian bust on right ...cracking beard ...all primed ...going to do a different sash!

Thank you all for the comments.

Didn't know old Gebhard dyed is hair, but thanks for the info Kevin.

Bill, that is an old Fort Duquesne bust of Ii Naomasa, by Augie Rodriguez.


I followed the portraits etc in my V Bench .........it was also mentioned in the Military Modelling Magazine
article Volume 27 No 19 1997 article by Lee Chandler ...see below

Look forward to more on your Prussian

Happy benchtime


also a very nice looking piece,you and Kev can hold a competition :)
very lovely done

Thanks for the comment, but a competition? No way!

Competitions are about winning silly shiny medals and for me the only possible competition is against my own lack of skill or knowledge.

This hobby, like all others, is about sharing the little knowledge and experience one may have with others, for all to enjoy.

As a matter of fact, Kevin and I seem to share at times a certain common interest for good quality busts with an interesting array of medals, but we each have our painting style and medium.


Thanks for the comment, but a competition? No way!

Competitions are about winning silly shiny medals and for me the only possible competition is against my own lack of skill or knowledge.

This hobby, like all others, is about sharing the little knowledge and experience one may have with others, for all to enjoy.

As a matter of fact, Kevin and I seem to share at times a certain common interest for good quality busts with an interesting array of medals, but we each have our painting style and medium.



I didn't mean this Pierre hahaha :D it was just a little joke because Kev have him also done
so that's why I say it,absolute not a competition (y)
beautiful work also