Stranger To My Skies.
This sculpture's storyline will be basically about the bird.What may have been running through his head when he first saw this stranger in his skies.Until this time the peregrine falcon was on top of the food chain,and he knows it, with no competition in sight.The fastest most cunning hunter in the skies.This bird has an air of strength or even arrogance about him.Little did he know at the time that he would become jet engine food himself,someday.
He must have wondered what the hell is this flimsy contraption ,what a joke,is that the best they can do ?
Because the falcon is relating to the machine,from his perspective there is no need for a pilot,so my Bleriot will be pilot less .
I have turned the head of the bird to give it a feeling of relaxed curiosity more than anything.One claw is even tucked up into his chest.Absolutely no fear,why should he be afraid ?