WIP Bloodied, but unbowed


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Damn fine painting there, looking forward to seeing this one complete now.

Cheers Simon

I think you are making good progress on this one. I know it's been challenging at times but it all seems to be coming together nicely now.....

Hi Henk

Agree with the above , not easy to paint for sure so credit to you for keeping at it ...it’s been worthwhile so far

I like the subtlety of the painting

Thanks for sharing

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench

It may not look like much progress, but I'm now at the "should I, or shouldn't I ' stage. Sapper Robb is about done, a few touch-ups on his battle dress, but the Denison is done. Sapper Grier is almost there, but this is the stage where that 'one more glaze..' can turn into 'aaaargh' 😅.
Once I'm completely happy with the Denisons, the hardest part comes, a wash of grime... They are far too clean at the moment, and that final wash of dirtyness is what will make it pop. Or make it go to the back of the cupboard, and me lay down in a darkened room....😬🙄.
My phone will not take decent pictures, I gave to edit them, and dial down the saturation and brightness by 30 % at least.. no pressure settings to set those as default for all my pics. When these two are finished, I'll have to get the proper camera out.
Anyway, a few pictures where it's at now.

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Hi Henk

I like the way this is going on both denisons

As with most projects it’s knowing when to stop so go easy on any washing and weathering imo

Thanks for the updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun at tge Bench

So, I said that Sapper Robb's Denison was about right....
Well, nearly. I've darkened the base colour a bit, and brought out the colours a bit. Looks better now. Sometimes you need to keep going until it goes 'pop' in your head.
Sapper Grier is having a lighter Denison, I just need to bring the colours back up, because the don't look bleached/washed out, but covered with dilute LifeColor 'Sandgrau'... 🙄.
Sapper Robb's head is positioned loose, and the photo tilted to show the proper orientation of the bust once mounted. Sapper Grier's head is finished. And locked away until the rest is finished.. 😬😁.
I've started the last bits now, hands and bandage, face veil scarf, and then to fix it on the plinth. The finish line is in sight..
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Looking good Henk, the Dennisons look suitably faded as they would be. Spr Griers face is looking good, all I would suggest for the eyes is to darken sightly around them sort of bags under the eyes thing as he'll be well and truly chin strapped. Must feel good knowing it's all coming together now.

Thank you Simon, I'm in two minds about the eyes. On the one hand I'm not entirely taken with the green, they are a bit to.. blob of green to me. So I have two options. I'm either doing them again, but start with much more dilute green ( just because I don't want them both to have blue eyes), or, as you say, go for a lot more 'bloodshot' reddish to fill up the eyeball and eyelids.
Well, I'm off to work again, so a few days to let it settle and think about it.
Thank you Simon, I'm in two minds about the eyes. On the one hand I'm not entirely taken with the green, they are a bit to.. blob of green to me. So I have two options. I'm either doing them again, but start with much more dilute green ( just because I don't want them both to have blue eyes), or, as you say, go for a lot more 'bloodshot' reddish to fill up the eyeball and eyelids.
Well, I'm off to work again, so a few days to let it settle and think about it.
I would say enjoy work but it's usually only a very lucky man you loves his work!

Rather than redo the eyes just apply very controlled washes, not much more than a glaze really to change the tone a little. It will save quite a bit of work.

I would say enjoy work but it's usually only a very lucky man you loves his work!

Rather than redo the eyes just apply very controlled washes, not much more than a glaze really to change the tone a little. It will save quite a bit of work.

I'm a lucky man, I like sitting on my arse, looking out of the window all day. I guess my primary teacher was right after all...
Hi Henk

Definately not the easiest of sculpts and subjects to paint but your getting there

Agree with Simon ref the eyes , I think the need a black edging then the eye colour, then pupil then a catchlight

I would darken under the eyes

The camo is looking good

Don’t work too hard whatever you do

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun back at the Bench

If it's worth doing, it worth doing right...
I've started the Denisons so many times, the eyes were feeling left out. I must say, that my new Rosemary & Co no. 2 is giving some excellent control.


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Fair one repainting the eyes, try a duller blue and green they won't be so prominent and "eye catching" then, both look like they've been through the wringer.

I've decided to go for brown eyes for Sapper Grier Simon. The green was a bit to.."well, green.". The Blue will be toned down, before I add the pupils.
Probably a good idea, green eyes are rare anyway, just don't go for the darkest of browns, Vellajo Flat Brown is a good one to use, or something there about.

Simon, I've gone for Vallejo Model Air 'Burnt Umber ', mainly because I have it in the rack in front of me.
Thank Steve, good to see you taking some time away from your outstanding 'Easy Pickings' project.

Much happier now, a little touch up, then a gloss coat, and done.
Looks really good, I think eyes are more difficult in larger scales, they are very complex and the colours are not easy. Bet you be glad to put this one to bed?

Looks really good, I think eyes are more difficult in larger scales, they are very complex and the colours are not easy. Bet you be glad to put this one to bed?

To be honest, I will be. I'm enjoying the process of the painting, and any painting is good painting, but a number of the issues with the sculpt have taken the shine of this bust. The subject matter means that I will persevere, and that it will go into the display cabinet with the rest of the paras, but it won't take centre stage.
A quick final update in this thread, I'm calling it done, apart from some of Sapper Robb's hair, that had a bit of overspill from the final drybrush of his bandage. But that can be done when I'm mounting the bust on the plinth, once the brass rod I've ordered arrives. Next week when I'm back home, I'll finish it off, and post in 'Completed Figures'.
Thanks for all your comments, help, encouragement, general banter and interest.
I will admit, that this bust is not filling me with the same enthusiasm as when I bought it. It is certainly not a bust that I could do again, unless a lot of remedial work was undertaken.

Onwards, the next para is already on the bench. Problem with these paras, you can tell them to get to the back of the queue, but they simply refuse...

Whoa Mohammed


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