Progress is slow, but hopefully steady, and sustained. Worked on the Denison, Red and Green are now largely there, and I've worn it all down with a drybrush session with the base coat. I think one more layer/tidy up tommorow, then back with the base coat, cleaning up edges. After that, another drybrush session and finally a dilute wash to tie every thing together, and to give the Denison a dirty and worn appearence. Looking at the photos of the actual event again, I noticed that the Fibre band around Sapper Grier's helmet appears much lighter than most other colours around. These Vulcanised Fibre bands show in different colours, Black, Ochre, Buff, Green, some seemingly painted, others original and/or faded. I've gone for a colour that looks fairly good compared to some contempory surviving examples, and used Rakarth Flesh from Citadel. Despite the funny name, it is a very nice Buff ish colour, and with a faint Yellow/Orange wash, it should look quite good.
I have decided to live with the few inaccuracies, short from major surgery and re-sculpting that is beyond my abilities, but I'm going to have to do some remidial work on the chin strap, but more on that later.
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