Thanks guys! I'm really happy with the results so far
Let's start the shirt. It's a very simple part compared to any face
These are the colours:
First I established a grayish with a bit of pink colour for the highlights that is a mixture of Stone gray + Basic skintone. This, darkened with Burnt Umber, makes the basic colour palete:
Base: Stone gray + Basic skintone + Burnt Umber
Highlights: Base + Stone gray + Basic skintone
Final highlight: Basic skintone + Stone grey
Shadows: base + Burnt Umber
Adittional shadows: Burnt Umber + Oxford Blue
Final Shadow: Darkest shadw tone + Chaos black
Tones and shades: Oxford Blue (pure), Ice yellow (pure) and Basic skintone (pure)
The palette:
First, I apply the base, the first highligth and the first shadow:
An additional highlight and shadow. As I do it, I start to soften the transitions:
And the basic highlights/shadows work done:
After that, I give it a wash of Oxford blue in the darkest areas, I paint a defining shadow with an almost black colour and enrich the highlight areas with Basic skintone and Ice yellow. I do it giving slight touches with the tip of the brush (number 1) and very scarce paint. It helps to achieve the feeling of a rough fabric and that was the idea I had for the shirt
A closer look:
The work so far