Brasil X Germany


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I remember in the 1970's catching a bus into Burnley (Lancashire, UK) which passed Turf Moor (Burnley's stadium) just before kick off time. The visitors were Leeds United, now that WAS open war!

Lol, I probably wasn't born then, just can imagine the football scene in those times after having seen "The damned United" movie
Mike S.

what is wrong with my post?

I think Mike is commenting on your generalization that we North Americans cannot understand football. Generalized and sweeping comments are always risky. Also the comment that we wouldn't understand even if you explained comes across in English as if we are are not smart enough to comprehend. I am sure that was not your intent.

Also, if you think Canadians don't live and die with their teams, I invite you to visit a Toronto at World Cup time. I stay away as I can't take the celebrations and wakes!


Colin hit the nail on the head. While I suspected that you meant no malice by your choice of words, it had to be brought to your attention to avoid offending needlessly.
As I work in three continents, I can see many sides of a prism :)

Mankind is different all around. In US the soccer game is seen like this:

First: My fellow US colleages don't understand a game where the final result can be 0-0. As a matter of fact this is an excellent point of view: spending 90 minutes passing the ball, then more 30 and nothing happens ... and finally some deadly shots put an end to a boring game.

Second: They also don't understand a game where outside the penalty area, fragile players don't have a place to be. However inside the penalty area, the slightest touch result in an artistic fall similar to pool diving.

Third: They also don't understand a game that is live broadcast at the stadium, the referee commits a mistake, he sees countless times his mistake in gigantic screens, the crowd whispers loudly ... and he keeps his mistake on.

Fourth: They also don't understand a game where a coach brings 21 players ... but only 3 are replaced ... and permanently.

Fifth: Finally they don't understand a game where there is no time to strike or progressive lines to cover: A team can be all the time in his middle field passing the ball and everything is ok :)

But youngs, specially latin youngsters have a different point of view: A ball and an abandoned street are all kids need. The annoying part of the game, I showed above, is adult stuff: You see american latin kids playing soccer all around, the same way you see black kids dominating basketball in every courtyard you can find. I remember being in a Hotel in L.A. and there was a public courtyard about a mile away: By 7:30 AM there were already kids practicing to become the next LeBron James.

Regarding US sports in Europe - it's like this: Mankind is different - American sports are high on adrenaline and spectacular ... however we Europeans prefer calmer things. As weird as it can be, we prefer to see a hour and half race in a corner, where the cars pass only each minute and a half, rather than an oval with a roaring crowd of cars being smashed all around for about four hours.

We are more bucolic :) that is the primary difference. Once I saw a US NBA game, and it looks like an European game at twice the speed. Americans feel the opposite: FIBA games are NBA at slow speed :)
Nice résumé,

And I do hope that it stays as it is, even so with all this technology around ......even so Americans are not interested, there are other 6 billions persons who are interested to the beautiful game.

Great Job Germany, this Tetra (4) start is well deserved.

While I agree with the bulk of your argument, there are more diplomatic ways to express it in the English language than your apparent condescending tone. FYI.

Mike you must remember that English is not Rodrigo's first language which might make things sound a little coarse.

Just a little note on our boring game . Get yourself along to an old firm game in Glasgow and you will get all the excitement you need then pick your way thru the wounded to get home .
Oops nearly forgot that doesn't happen anymore as rangers are no longer in the top league :rolleyes:
Just a little note on our boring game . Get yourself along to an old firm game in Glasgow and you will get all the excitement you need then pick your way thru the wounded to get home .
Oops nearly forgot that doesn't happen anymore as rangers are no longer in the top league :rolleyes:

Pish ........ anywhere Rangers are IS the top league.
None of you guys speak English ,Yankee's or Texans in fact most English find the language difficult:ROFLMAO: yi need ta come fae scotland ta understand :rolleyes:
Wrong geographic area for the pronunciation "youse" Sir! I may be a "Yank" to the English, but descending from a long line of Southerners, I am most assuredly not a Yankee. ;)

Neither am I. Yankees are from the other side of the Delaware, especially once you cross the Hudson, heading east and north. "Youse" is common here in the Mid-Atlantic region, except in Pittsburgh, where they say "youinz'.

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