Well this is the first proper figure that I've worked on for about 2 years, the face and breeches were completed before I got involved with the GW scene. I did think that perhaps my miniature painting would help my large scale figures, but I'm not so sure, I'll let you guys be the judge of that.
This is far more complex than I had imagined. The Square braids on both the Dolman and Pelisse are multi coloured, sky-blue and gold for the Pelisse or Crimson and gold on the Dolman! But I fell in love with the figure and just had to have it.
I've struggled with the shading/highlighting of both the crimson and the sky-blue.
Another issue that I have is the Colpack, I'm not entirely happy with it, but I think this is something to do with the sculpting of the fur, to me it looks to sheep skin, rather than fur. I will try and whiten it up a bit with some more pure white dry brushing to see if that works, unless someone can give me any pointers.
It's always difficult to judge, as there is still so much to finish on it and sometimes the whole doesn't justify the parts, then suddenly, once it's completed it all comes together.
My photography stinks and I actually think that it does look better in real life.
Comments and critique welcome as always.
Thnaks for looking.
Well this is the first proper figure that I've worked on for about 2 years, the face and breeches were completed before I got involved with the GW scene. I did think that perhaps my miniature painting would help my large scale figures, but I'm not so sure, I'll let you guys be the judge of that.
This is far more complex than I had imagined. The Square braids on both the Dolman and Pelisse are multi coloured, sky-blue and gold for the Pelisse or Crimson and gold on the Dolman! But I fell in love with the figure and just had to have it.
I've struggled with the shading/highlighting of both the crimson and the sky-blue.
Another issue that I have is the Colpack, I'm not entirely happy with it, but I think this is something to do with the sculpting of the fur, to me it looks to sheep skin, rather than fur. I will try and whiten it up a bit with some more pure white dry brushing to see if that works, unless someone can give me any pointers.
It's always difficult to judge, as there is still so much to finish on it and sometimes the whole doesn't justify the parts, then suddenly, once it's completed it all comes together.
My photography stinks and I actually think that it does look better in real life.
Comments and critique welcome as always.
Thnaks for looking.