Greetings all

Well the plan has gone slightly to to pot. I was going to start with the face and work down.( I have blocked the whites of the eyes though) However I got the air brush out and started to put some base colours down, wont bore you with them all on this post.
I have made a start on the gold braid on the front of his jacket.
Apologies for the photos but my names not David Bailey and my camera is steam driven.
Fig.1 I decided to do the braid on the coat as if it needed to come off it would be easier than taking it off the pelisse as it is a bit delicate. Having undercoated the fig with a light grey primer I sprayed a light coat of Burnt Umber.
Fig 2 I then put a light coat of Yellow Ochre, but it came up far to bright so it had another thin coat of Burnt Umber.
Fig 3, I then gave it a coat of gold. This has come up very BRIGHT. I will fill in the Blue and see how it looks and dull the gold down. So it needs a lot more work.
Fig 4. This is my automatic wire coat hanger paint shaker attached to a jig saw.( proper job)
Please feel free to comment and make suggestions .