Capt MERCER . RHA. 1815 MMM 200mm


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Thanks Paul, Graham.
See how the grouting goes all being well should finish the jacket today.Mick

Harsh on yourself the mate, your painting's better than grouting :D

I'm not even gonna say sorry for spotting that yahey !
Have a good day's daubing mate.
Greetings all.
Well progress is slow, as not been a good painting week but the jacket has come on a lot. will do final high lights etc when the arms are attached but before the arms go on will do the sash. ( and finish painting the arms.
Please feel free to comment and give advice.


Thanks Paul.
I've looked at the braid from all angels and lights and all appeared ok, having looked at the pics on screen there seems to be a bit more work to do.
it's getting to be like the Forth Bridge.

Thank god the forth bridge has rivets not buttons eh !
I know the problems bud I have Carl Reid's chasseur a cheval 1/9th bust and it's buttons all the way ;)
This is coming along very well Mick. I wish I could do the gold braiding etc (etc is a technical term for 'I don't know it's proper name) as neatly as this. One thing I have learned is that pictures as close as these will never show how it looks in normal vision. When I paint with the opti visor on, I always take it off an put me glasses on to see how it really looks.
Thanks Graham,
I use one of those big Craft lights with a daylight bulb wrapped around the edge, Due to old age I keep forgetting to put my modeling glasses on and use my bi focals, which believe it or not don,t help. Have been thinking about getting an opti visor how do you get on with them, was going to have a look at them at Euro this year.
I just use a daylight bulb and desk lamp, but use different strengths of one pound reding specs, so I have +1.5, +2 and +2.5 all with the sticky labels still on the lenses.
I just think of them as the optical equivalent of big, middle and skinny paint brush.
Works for me.
Have been thinking about getting an opti visor how do you get on with them, was going to have a look at them at Euro this year.

Couldn't live without it. However, I made the mistake of getting a cheap one with plastic interchangeable lenses which are not as good as the real thing. Proper Optivisor has glass lenses which are sharper and do not distort. I will replace mine with a proper one one day so I saved nothing by going the cheap route.
I just use a daylight bulb and desk lamp, but use different strengths of one pound reding specs, so I have +1.5, +2 and +2.5 all with the sticky labels still on the lenses.
I just think of them as the optical equivalent of big, middle and skinny paint brush.
Works for me.

I have to wear 2.5 just to read lol
Looking good graham,I'm very interested to see how you tackle this one,I have the bust version in my grey army,I look forward to seeing this one finished
Thanks Graham. Will look at them at Euro if you have any more info. can you PM me please.
Thanks Smudger. Wish you had started your bust before me, it would have given me a starter for ten.

Thanks Graham. Will look at them at Euro if you have any more info. can you PM me please.
Thanks Smudger. Wish you had started your bust before me, it would have given me a starter for ten.

I apologise for that mistake Mick,that's what you get through not paying proper attention to your post,I will look forward to seeing the full piece mate,I'm sure you will do the piece proud mate,don't rush it :)
It's looking really good so far. I'm looking forward to the next instalment.

As for Optivisor - I couldn't live without it.


Thanks Huw, Just finished the jacket and sash about 10 mins ago, sleeves still need a bit of work,. Getting there slowly.

Ive been looking on the net with info that graham sent me but want to try them on before I shell out.

Thanks Mick

A little more progress.


Fig 1. Eyes put in just need some slight touch up, Face base coat,in Brown Sand, next job start on the highlights
Fig 2. Rear view More work to do when arms are attached, sash done just a few touch ups. base coat for pants.
Fig 3, 4, Pelisses Scarlet lining blocked in along with braid and dark gray for the fur trim, loads to do on this.
Fig 5, Arms require highlights etc when attached to body
Fig 6, Front view as per Fig 2.

Feel free to comment with advise.
Looking good Mick. I assume you have sorted out the fit of parts before painting? I wouldn't have the confidence to paint the arms separate to the body and expect a hidden joint.

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