A Fixture
I've been waiting for painting this kit a long time and now I got it!
If you hear someone saying that it's a difficult one to paint, believe it,
because it is... The great sculpt brings more things to paint and details
to be managed... but I recommend it strongly, it's great great fun!!!!
So, this is the second horse that I paint. After I painted a brown one in the
past I thought that maybe this time I would raise the stake and try something
that I hear people saying that is more difficult. I'm going for a Dapple Grey horse.
Well, it's a hard job indeed... I don't have an airbrush and I don't use oils... I quickly
found out that this would be major task for me... So after almost a couple of weeks
trying this and that I ended up with the result you will see next.
Right now I'm yet to find a nice color to the crest and tail, which I don't know which,
maybe I go with a soft beige, and the lower part of the legs need a little more work, maybe highlights,
and of course the hoofs. Then I will go to the straps, saddle, etc...
I've also painted the face of the Hussar. I think I'm going for the 5th Regiment uniform: light blue and white.
After so many words the pics:
Please feel free to comment and saying what I need to improve.
Oh, and a suggestion about the horse hair color would be nice.
I've been waiting for painting this kit a long time and now I got it!
If you hear someone saying that it's a difficult one to paint, believe it,
because it is... The great sculpt brings more things to paint and details
to be managed... but I recommend it strongly, it's great great fun!!!!
So, this is the second horse that I paint. After I painted a brown one in the
past I thought that maybe this time I would raise the stake and try something
that I hear people saying that is more difficult. I'm going for a Dapple Grey horse.
Well, it's a hard job indeed... I don't have an airbrush and I don't use oils... I quickly
found out that this would be major task for me... So after almost a couple of weeks
trying this and that I ended up with the result you will see next.
Right now I'm yet to find a nice color to the crest and tail, which I don't know which,
maybe I go with a soft beige, and the lower part of the legs need a little more work, maybe highlights,
and of course the hoofs. Then I will go to the straps, saddle, etc...
I've also painted the face of the Hussar. I think I'm going for the 5th Regiment uniform: light blue and white.
After so many words the pics:
Please feel free to comment and saying what I need to improve.
Oh, and a suggestion about the horse hair color would be nice.