Celtic fury.


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
Hey guys, I'm trying to get off that sour note with the missing part; So I'd like to share something that I painted in the past.
This is a 54mm. time machine vignette, very nicely sculpted and cast.
Feel free to critique.

Roc. :)




Sorry for the poor quality pictures.
Very well done Roc. I have this vignette in the drawer along with several other Time Machine scenes. I like their figures and you have done a super job with them. (y)
Excelent work ROC,

Could you share with me the process for making a terrain like that? I think is seems to be very natural. Well done!

Rafael, my pleasure.

1- Apllied a mixture of celluclay Mixed with water and Elmores glue to an oatmeal cosistency to wich I addel some acrylic raw umber to tint it.

2- While the Celluclay is still wet I sprinkled some grind up kiddy litter combined with sand on the entire ground work.
3- Placed little pebbles and rocks here and there.
4- For grass I used deer hair or cat hair.
5- When dry I brushed acrylic Raw umber over the entire ground work.
6- Using a flat brush I dry brushed acrylic tan.
7- for highlights I dry brushed tan mixed with a little white.
8 - for extreme highlights I added more white into my highlight color.
9- When completely dry I gave the entire ground a wash of acrylic raw umber to
tie it all together .

Now here comes the fun part:
I scraped some raw umber pastel and srinkled it on .
Than I sprinkled some raw sienna pastel, and fo extrem highlights I sprinkeld a mixture of raw sienna pastel and white pastel.
The last thing I did is to apply some green pastel where I thought necessary.

I hope this helps.



I was going to comment on how nice the figures are and how you did the groundwork but you beat me to it! :lol: Nice work and thanks for the info. It is also nice to see figures that you have done from the past and now your new ones. Keep up the good work.


Very well done, as usual. Your display case must be a sight to behold. Cat hair?! That's a great idea. We happen to have one of those creatures living with us & I'll probably never look at her the same way again. But I have to ask--was the hair obtained before or after you found your cat wandering around on your work table? :eek: ?
Once again, beautiful job on the fijures.

Hey Mike, Thanks for the nice words.

My cats are wising up , every time I look at them, they run and hide under the couch, also my wife doesn't like when I touch her darling little cats. :lol: :lol:

Roc. :)