An arduous journey. My second Napoleonic ever. I enjoyed this one more than the last, but it had it's frustrations. Not the least of which was a small tumble which required some difficult touchup.
You certainly got there in the end John! I really do like this peice and you've done it pround, lovely paintng and some very interesting groundwork there as well. Very well done indeed mate.
VERY nice John! Much better than it would have ever been in my possesion I might add (in fact, it'd probably still be grey! :lol: ). Excellent groundwork. Iv'e always been a fan of your entire setting for a figure. This one is certianly no exception. Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh one day.
The rest of you may not know, but it was Jim's generosity that caused me to come into possession of this figure. Another example of how open the figure painting community can be.