Chota Sahib


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Sep 28, 2004
i have always been a fan of Sid Hrton's Chota Sahib figures and have painted quite a few. Recently, I bought a lot of them on e- bay and got interested in compiling a complete list of what he made. I have found info on over 95 of the 54 mm range but am missing the details on some. Do any of you know what the following part numbers are?
BI/12, BI/14. BI/15, BI/16, BI/17, Bi/26. BI.27, BI/28, BI/29. BI/32, R/2, TF/2, V/1?

He also made a range of 90mm Idian Army figures before he started the 54mm range and I need info on these as well. I have several of them but have not added them to the list yet.

f you have any info on thee or other Chota Sahib figures, I would like to know. I send you a copy or publish the list once it is complete if anyone is interested.
Let me look thru my grey army tonight. Over the past few years, I have bought a bunch from ebay and Sarum. I'll see if I have any p/n and description info you might find useful.

I would like a copy of your list when complete (or incomplete :lol: ) I am a big Chota Sahib fan.

I have some of the Sarum casts too but you may notice that the part numbers are not always the same as the original Chota's. Also, they seem to have added some that never were offered under the Chota range or at least ones that I missed.

I met Sid once when I was in England and had a cup of tea in his Brighton kitchen, which at the time was also his work shop.
I have some of the original Chota Sahib catalouges and lists at home
I will see if I can come up with an answer on part numbers later today
I have been adding the Sarum Part numbers to my list for cross reference but suspect that some were never issued under the Chota range. Also, that some of the Sarum numbrers are slight modifications to the originally issued Chota figure and are listed with a new part number. Some of these are simple painting differences, same figure but different regiment etc. I have tried to make the best cross references I can based on what information I have. I have over 130 pieces listed but some of these are likely duplicate listings that I have not completly sorted out yet. I am pretty certain that the 54mm range nears 100 figures or so.

There are also some from the original Chota range that seem to have disappeared. There were several German WWII figures that are not in the Sarum Range and a couple of the female figures are now in the Hornet Range. I suspect these were not originally sculpted by Sid and the molds were not included in what Sarum has. I have been hunting the U-Boat Capt for some time now!

I suppose that if I ever sort this our Dick may publish it in the "Scabbard" as it does represent a bit of modeling history.

How are the Sarum castings compared to Sid`s originals, which were usually excellent.


Hi Mike. Long time no see. Sorry I missed you at MMSI, but it was my first wedding anniversary... . Mike Davidson at the Hussar has had a large stock of Chota's for a LONG time, but they are now dwindling rapidly. I have gone through the bits and pieces: BI/12 is a PVT of the Royal Scots 1903-14; B1/16 is a CPL, Cameronian Scottish Rifles 03-14; both of these are in stock but only one copy each. I also found the header cards for B1/14 and B1/15 which are Sergeant Major 8th Army Royal Sussex 1940-43, and a PVT of the same organisation and period. Neither of these are still here, only the cards, but at least you know what they are now. I WILL see you at MMSI '07.--Steve Scott
Hi Mike
G/6 ss obersturmfuhrer,normandy,1944
G/1 oberfeldwebel,fallschimjager,cassino,1943
check your e-mail
Chota Sahib...! I am on the lookout of a figure from them, don´t know the original number, it is a Vietnam Special Force Soldier, with naked muscular Torso, a headband, camouflage trousers and a pump action shot gun in his right hand, sitting on the belt.

A wonderfull figure, but I have seen it only in an article way back end of the 80ties and could never get it.

Anyone any idea?

Frank Holger
The number for that figure is KL/1
There was two other vietnam figs from Chota Sahib AV/1 &AV2
AV/1 is a Black grunt running hand on helmet and AV/2 a grunt with M16,alas I have only AV/1 and looking for the other
V/1 = Colour sergeant , Coldstream Guards, 1897.

... that's one of the best figures Sid Horton ever did ! A true "Classic" !

Dunno but you might want to check out some of the 120mm Verlinden figures ... Sid did quite a few of them, among others many if not most of the Napoleonics, and the British paras.
Personally I think Verlinden ref 1201 Trooper Royal North British Dragoons Waterloo 1815 is the best of these.

BI/12 Royal Scots, 1903-14
BI/14 Sgt Major, 8th Army, Royal Sussex, 1940-43
BI/15 Private, 8th Army, Royal Sussex, 1940-43
These two go together with the SM yelling in the pte’s ear
BI/16 Cpl, Cameronian (Scottish Rifles) 1903-14
BI/17 SAS, Pagoda Troop, Op Nimrod 1980
BI/26 Officer, Grenadier Co, 95th Regt, Inkerman 1854
BI/27/28 Private and officer of Royal Warwickshire (I think), 1903-14
BI/29 2nd Madras Lancers Officer, Mess dress c1900
BI/32 Royal Welsh Fusilers Officer, 1903-14
R/2 Celtic Standard Bearer c300bc
TF/2 Parachute Regiment, Falklands 1982
V/1 Colour Sergeant, Coldstream guards 1897

Big fan of the "Little man, big lord", I'd like to see your list when complete. Note that Nemrod are doing some of Sid's Foreign Legion figures, albeit in resin.

Rgds, Randy
Thanks Lau, but sadly, no chance to get this stuff!

Verlinden did a simillar figure compared to the Chota Sahib running black GI, with Hand on the Helmet an an M79 Grenade Launcher in the other hand.

How may be the chances to re-release some of this stuff? Besides the three or four figures available in resin???

I discovered I had the two Vietnam guys (the special op. and the running gi) hidden on a box theorically property of my brother..., I will put them on eBay soon.
Luca, the running GI looks exactly like the Chota Sahib Figure, but done in resin. If it is so, can we talk about a recast here???

Hello Mr. President... ;) , these are the items I found, properties of my brother in the past..., but now under my control... :lol:


I had a doubt about the running GI, I know it was a Chota Sahib release, but then I found it also listed on the Verlinden catalogue:

look here

Thanks to the help of a very kind guy (Eduardo) from the Lilliput forum, now I know that the metal casting of the GI is from the very first production of Chota Sahib. Afterwards, it seems that Verlinden acquired the rights about that figure, producing it in resin. So if you have a resin copy of it, it is possible that it comes from the late Verlinded production (it is still listed as available on their web site).

The one on the right seems to be another rare figure from the very first Verlinden production, only the first casts they did were in white metal, switching next to resin. Moreover it seems out of production now.

The left figure, I need the left figure, only the left... I go crazy if I can´t get it... Where do you live in Italy, I take my car and drive away RIGHT NOW... Unbelievable, this is exactly the figure I am looking for.

I cannot understand why nobody did cast it again? It looks so cool, the design and the details, tremendous! The two other figs are great, too. Intersting to see how the brands work together (I remember Monogramm and Revell doing the same some times). And of cause all the other Chota Sahib Figures. I might want to know if the original forms still exist!

And remember, I am the President of your Fan Club :lol: !

I take my car and drive away RIGHT NOW

Ha, ha, :lol: it could be really hard to find me there, I do not live in Italy...

Ok, email me ([email protected]) and let see if we could reach an "agreement" before going on eBay... Hey! Do not forget that It is a collector and rare piece!

Sorry, Dude, I think automatically when I read an Italian Name da man must live in Italy!

You will get an email



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