Chronos Miniatures (Russia) - News


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
Sure, can you ask that.

I discovered your new figure (very nice by the way and very rare subject!) this morning in a Russian forum - and I did not want to withhold it from the members here.
Of course, I also wrote the source where to buy the figure - as I always do in similar cases.

When I did that, I could not know that you would put it in here a few minutes later. Now your novelty is shown twice here. Coincidence, but where is the problem?

The colored templates in my post are from my collection.

Is there something wrong with it or is any mistake in my post ...?

Martin, I always publish my own news on this site.

I have already asked you not to do this before, you create double ads and do not always specify the information correctly.

I once again ask you not to make announcements about Chronos products.

I do it myself!
I also asked you, Martin, not to give the advertising information of my projects in 54 mm and not to duplicate the upcoming announcements. Your advertising service only interferes with sales. Many forum users will look at your topic, and when I announce new figures, it’s not very interesting to anyone and there are no orders.
Several times I made a remark to you, but you continued to ignore me and now I only show my new products to a narrow circle of regular customers.
Hi Dmitri!
In think, something you understand wrong.

This is a FORUM and not a sales platform! And a forum thrives on PARTICIPATION! And a small - but not insignificant - part of it is that figure lovers inform here other figure lovers about new figures - as detailed as possible and as early as possible - and of course right.

And I do this and will continue to do so.
That's why I go through a dozen "sources" every two to three days - and receive newsletters or other information from various publishers.

In other cases, editors have thanked me for showing their novelties here.

The publisher's sales policy behind a figure is something that interests me less.

It's about the hobby and the information of the forum members - and nothing else!
And - excuse me - but if a new figure is good and interesting, then it is also bought - no matter where, by whom and when the information about it first appears.

That's why I ALWAYS write the company name in my posts including a link to their website (or FB account).
But there is a difference between INFORMATION and ADVERTISING! And this is about it here!


Привет Дмитрий!
В думаю, что-то вы не так поняли.

Это ФОРУМ, а не торговая платформа! И форум процветает на УЧАСТИЕ! И небольшая - но немаловажная - часть того, что любители фигур сообщают здесь другим любителям фигур о новых фигурах - как можно более подробно и как можно раньше - и, конечно же, правильно.

И я делаю это и буду продолжать это делать.
Вот почему я просматриваю дюжину «источников» каждые два-три дня - и получаю информационные бюллетени или другую информацию от различных издателей.

В других случаях редакторы поблагодарили меня за показ здесь своих новинок.

Политика продаж издателя, стоящая за фигурой, меня мало интересует.

Речь идет о хобби и информации участников форума - и ничего больше!
И - извините, - но если новая фигура хорошая и интересная, то она также покупается - независимо от того, где, кем и когда впервые появляется информация о ней.

Вот почему я ВСЕГДА пишу название компании в своих сообщениях, включая ссылку на их сайт (или учетную запись FB).
Но есть разница между ИНФОРМАЦИЕЙ и РЕКЛАМОЙ! И это об этом здесь!

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