Commander in Hannibal΄ s Army (218-201)


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A Fixture
Oct 14, 2004
Thereview should be for: Commander in Hannibal΄ s Army (218-201) and not Light Cavalryman of the 12th Regt... If someone of the admins could change it please?


This was the first figure of 75mm released from Pegaso and sculpted from Maurizio Bruno that was not a Napoleonic subject. I was amazed on first sight just by looking the photos of the figure, since the astonishing pose and sculpt attracts immediately. So lets take a closer look of this figure.

Historical Notes

Hannibal (247 BC – 183/182 BC; sometimes known as Hǎnnibal Barca) was a Carthaginian statesman and general. He was the biggest enemy of the Roman Republic. he is most famous for what he did in the Second Punic War. He marched an army from Iberia over the Pyrenees mountains and the Alps mountains into northern Italy and defeated the Romans in a series of battles. He kept an army in Italy for many years. A Roman invasion of North Africa made him return to Carthage. He lost and the Romans made him leave Carthage. He lived at the Seleucid court, and convinced the Emperor to fight Rome. When he lost a naval battle, Hannibal fled to the Bithynian court. When the Romans told him to give up, he killed himself.

Hannibal is listed as one of the greatest military commanders in history. Military historian Theodore Ayrault Dodge once called Hannibal the "father of strategy" because even his greatest enemy, Rome, copied his military ideas.
Hannibal which means "mercy of Baal" was the son of Hamilcar Barca. After Carthage lost the First Punic War, Hamilcar began to try to make Carthage have better luck. Hamilcar began to conquer the tribes of Spain. Carthage at the time was in a poor condition. Its navy could not carry his army to Iberia (Hispania). Hamilcar had to march towards the Pillars of Hercules and ferry it across the strait. According to a story, Hannibal went to his father while he was making a sacrifice to the gods. Hannibal was quite young. He begged to go with his father. Hamilcar said yes and made Hannibal promise that he would never be a friend of Rome.
In (221 BC), Hannibal became the leader of the army. He spent two years consolidating his holdings and finishing the conquest of Iberia south of the river Ebro. Rome feared the growing strength of Hannibal. They made an alliance with the city of Saguntum and claimed to be protecting the city. Saguntum was south of the river Ebro. Hannibal attacked the city because of this. It was captured after eight months. Rome wanted justice from Carthage. The Carthaginian government saw nothing wrong with Hannibal's actions. The war Hannibal wanted was declared at the end of the year.

Hannibal's army was made up of as many as 75,000 foot soldiers and 9,000 horsemen. Hannibal left New Carthage in late spring of 218 BC. He fought his way north to the Pyrenees. He defeating the tribes through clever mountain tactics and stubborn fighting. After marching 290 miles and reaching the Ebro river, Hannibal chose the most trustworthy and loyal parts of his army of Libyan and Iberian mercenaries to keep going with him. He left 11,000 troops to keep watch over the newly conquered region. At the Pyrenees, he let go of another 11,000 Iberian troops. Hannibal entered Gaul with 50,000 foot soldiers and 9,000 horsemen.

Hannibal needed to cross the Pyrenees, the Alps, and many important rivers.In the spring of 218 BC, he fought his way to the Pyrenees. He made peace deals with the Gaulish leaders and reached the Rhône River. Arriving at the Rhône in September, Hannibal's army numbered 38,000 infantry, 8,000 horsemen, and thirty-seven war elephants.

Hannibal got away from a Roman force sent to fight him in Gaul. He then went up the valley of one of the streams of the Rhône River. By autumn, he reached the foot of the Alps. His journey over the mountains is one of the most famous achievements of any military force. After this journey, Hannibal came down from the foothills into northern Italy. He had arrived with only half the forces he had started with and only a few elephants. Hannibal had lost as many as 20,000 men.

The kit


Article 75-031

Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno
Painter: Danilo Cartacci

Material: white metal
Pieces: 16
Weight: 340 gr.
Size: 75 mm.

The usual blue hard carton box of Pegaso contains 2 foams that hold all 16 pieces.
Below you can see all the pieces and admire the quality of them.










...more photos on the next post.

For more pictures of the finished figure please visit Pegasos website:

Quality and Detail

On this figure you will get apart from the usual Pegaso quality (which is great on all of their figures) an amazing amount of details. Maurizio Bruno, mastering the technique of sculpting gives to this figure his best, with a breath-taking detailing. By looking at the photos you can understand what I mean.


I would recommend this figure as a challenge to all the painters that would like to try their limits. The size and detail of the figure beg for everyone to lay his brushes on. I wouldn't recommended for beginners though since i consider this figure quite difficult for them. Other than that the flawless cast will make the painting prossess pleasant and fun.


In conclusion I have to say that now that Christmas are closing that's the best opportunity you have in order to get your hands on an excellent figure released from Pegaso Models, sculpted by Maurizio Bruno and painted by Danilo Cartacci. You want more?? Hurry and place your order the sooner.

Finally I would like to Thank again Pegaso Models and Luca Marchetti the owner for providing this kit. :)

Thanks a lot my friends. That's with no doubt one of the best figures I got my hands on. Really great piece. Bravo to Maurizio and Pegaso Models.

Thanks Xenofone for your good reviews
I hope that this piece can cheer your hours to the painting banquet.

Good job to all :) MAB

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