Hello Ron, A great topic for discussion. As a person who has been on both sides of your question, a contestant, and a judge, at model/figure shows and competitions, here is my take. I don't compete at shows anymore, most, but not all, have become to commercialised, unfair voting, and biased judging, to name a few. I still go to shows when I can, but now just as a visitor. When I was a competitor at shows, I found I was no longer having fun just painting models/figures, trying to meet deadlines for shows, hurrying my painting, making mistakes I normally wouldn't if I was taking my time, staying up late to finish something, to name a few. I finally stopped modelling for a time, not just for this reason, but it started to become very expensive, photo-etch, kit prices,(I did armor at this time) and even some figure kits. At shows, it always seemed that these so-called high tech models, would win most of the time, out of the box entries stood no chance. Of course, this depended on the categories that were offered. When I was a member of a model club, we tried to remedy some of these problems and make our shows fair for everyone. We had a policy that members of the club, couldn't enter the contest, we had a few tables set up with our club members work to help membership drives. Everyone who entered the contest, recieved a very nice letter of appreciation with the clubs logo, thanking all who attended. The contest was a peoples' choice, both contestants and visitors, who were given a ballot sheet, marked with a number for contestants, which was also there entry number for there exhibits, visitors were given one simply marked visitor. We had each category marked first, second, and third. Our aim was to make everyone a part of the contest. You were not allowed to vote for your own model. The judges were only monitors for tie breakers in each category except best of show, in cases of ties, extra awards were given in this category only. We did not have novice, intermediate, or master categories, which proved hard to verify. This type of show proved very popular and was quite successful. I wish more were like it. I've learned one important lesson from shows, regardless of your skill level, and how good you think you are, there is someone, somewhere, who is much better than you, and you can't please everyone. That is why I love this site, everyone helps each other, regardless of skill level. Did'nt mean to write a story Ron, you made me remember some bad and good times, in my modelling. So, lets just paint, and have fun doing it. Regards SG