Concepts in Painting Miniatures, by Alex Castro


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Elia Cid

Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2004
Concepts in Painting Miniatures!

I would like to share with my friends at Planet figure, the contents of
one of my chapters that I called "Concepts in Painting Miniatures" which is the back bone of my system!


Brom's Grafter 1/6th Scale, from Simian Productions,
Scott Pierce's, Private Collection , painted by Alex Castro

I can't go into detail right now because I don't want to breach my contract, but at least you can get an idea of the scope of the forth coming book. I feel that that my painting process will shatter many of todays present paradigms of painting figures and become ground breaking in the field of painting miniature figures:

1. Creating a Softer-Gentler Figure

2. Sensitivity

3. It's a "Matter of Scale"

4. The Eye as a Story Teller

5. The Lazarus Effect & the Buttock Concept

6. The "Devil" is in the Line

7. Saturation, Isolation, & Containment

As my Master would say "For technique alone is nothing."

Please meditate on these for now and be patient, the book will be well worth the wait.

Happy Painting


As an appetizer, I reckon it's mouth-watering!

I particularly like the 'Lazarus Effect & Buttock Concept' bit.

What's next? The Ripley Syndrome & Chestburster Protocol? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, don't understand what it's about, but look forward to reading the book... one thing, did you do that leather cape with the "dry stroke" technique ? Earth brown/khaki brown on a semi-gloss (satin) black basecoat ?
"I feel that that my painting process will shatter many of todays present paradigms of painting figures and become ground breaking in the field of painting miniature figures:"

And heavy on the ego.................

Who is publishing your book? I'm always interested in new publications on painting. Sounds interesting.

Ever been to any shows? Your name sounds familiar but I don't recall ever meeting or seeing you at any shows.

Good Luck,
Lou Masses
"I feel that that my painting process will shatter many of todays present paradigms of painting figures and become ground breaking in the field of painting miniature figures:"

And heavy on the ego.................

It's not ego when you're really that good! I've had the pleasure of knowing Alex for a number of years and I can say from experience, the works he has shown on this forum are just the tip of the iceberg! I'm looking foreward to the book too!!
Best to all...
OK, guys. There's really nothing to be excited about.

Let's sum it up.

1– First out of the blue, there's this 'broken arrow' barging in, bashing and criticizing a contributor's (Alex) stuff. I see no problem to that. Alex is good enough and has all the arguments to defend himself.

The problem is that accordingly to the good nature, civility and politeness which make this site so great, 'broken arrow' as a newbie, should have first, declined his identity (at least in his profile. Every member does so why not 'broken arrow'?), second, introduced himself in some way. It's always easier to defend oneself against critics in broad daylight than against the Masked Marauder in a tunnel at midnight.

2– Apparently, Pete H. thought he'd recognized 'broken arrow' from his style, a veteran from past and defunct forums, someone affectionely known in select circles as the OnionBoy.

3– Johan, who lives in Aalst, a town known for its onion production (just like Bakersfield in California ) thought Pete was talking about him and for a brief moment, took it personally, and said so in a rather vigorous post. And received an (undeserved) warning for it.

So I guess all the problems come from 'broken arrow' and the fact that he attacked a contributor while hiding behind his anonymity. Should he told us who he was, none of the above would have happened.


Oops, just saw that the whole thread has been moved to 'Topic Split' in General. Late as always :lol:
Hi Quangster,

I've been around so I'm not out of the blue. And no, I'm not an onion farmer. Why hasn't Senior Castro responded to Mr Mosses and my questions about shows and awards? If this new book of his is going to impact the painting styles of the 21-century, I'm sure everyone here would like to see some credentials. Not to be rude, but how does that phrase go, put up or shut up?
Look, this is the second time this has been addressed, it got ugly and and it got resolved. Now it hasn't got any better. Let's stop derailing this thread.

personal comments/critiques not sensitive for public consumption are neither constructive or warranted and if the issue is so "must know" ask or comment with personal messenger..

on the topic of "credentials" Castro has posted several images of his finished work-excellent work, proof he has done something...

I have not been to shows or garnered any awards, so maybe I could pack up planetFigure since I have no "credentials"?

let's shrug this off, and give Alex the respect, and his thread back.
I have enjoyed this site more than any other miniature related sites. The thing I most enjoy about planet figure is the %100 figure related discussions, viewing pictures of finished or in-progress works etc. I felt the planet's day's were numbered before such issues would have to be dealt with. Regardless of your feelings toward Mr. Castro or his work there is little, or should I say no room for comments with less value than those comments made by you "Mr. Brokenarrow". Sure we all have our opinions but they have been constructive in nature up to this point. If you would like to "flame" someone, go somewhere else where instead of the topic at hand "flaming" arguing, being rude, what have you is what goes on more than anything else. Like all postings (including this one) you can choose the ones you wish to read and ignore the rest. If you feel that I would find your obnoxious and rude opinions relevant, your wrong. I'd just assume you keep them to yourself, they do nothing to better me in improving my sculpting or painting. Given that I'm confident that the proper measures have been, or will be taken to rid the site of such postings, and if need be people bent on nothing but stirring up trouble. I for one would not stand for someone coming into my home and destroying what I have made for me and my family. A lot of good folks have given a lot of their free time and energy, including Mr. Castro, to make this common interest we have more enjoyable and interesting.~Gary
Dear Mr. Brokenarrow,
Seriously, who are you? It would be nice to know who this person is who insists on hiding behind an alias. Have we ever seen your work? Have you ever been published? I think your comments would be credible if you could back them up with great work.

So, how about it?
Hi All,

Alan Ball here .........just to introduce myself as Quang mentioned we all should do :)

I think that any extreme or over the top statement ( or statements ) get that sort of feedback.

"I feel that that my painting process will shatter many of todays present paradigms of painting figures and become ground breaking in the field of painting miniature figures:"

Could be looked upon as a bit over the top for some people , but that may be just the way Alex talks :) :)
Hi Alan :lol: Nice to know that you've joined the "planet".Welcome ! If I may so kindly request of you,would you do me the honour of viewing my finished projects in the "workbench" section and providing me with your esteemed opinions.Thank you very much and I've always admired your and your wife's work (for example,"cat's cradle" and that female Christmas guitar player.)Cheers
Hello Alan and welcome to the planet! (y)

Nice to see a Swiss flag there! Remember you guys are supposed to be neutral (just joking )

I look forward to reading more of your postings, and learning from you! (y)
Welcome to the planet Alan I am glad you found your way to this new member of the solar system and we look forward to your contributions.

Thanks Robin , and all :)

I thought it was about time that I chipped in ..........after reading the posts for the last few days , it was starting to get "intersting .

I don't know about learning from me ............ As Quang will tell you, I'm just simply trying to get by , and almost getting there ..........operative word almost .........well thats what he tells me anyway :(

By the way, Gordy's tips on Sculpting on this site show exactly the way I do things like weapons, etc So I heartily recomend them

Anyway, I'm just a newboy here! Anyway, as it's my first time here( well second actually ) for people who don't know me/us ,I should really plug our website for the first and last time , which has been updated with new stuff MB-Miniatures .com..sorry, couldn't resist :lol:

Hey Johan , I'm always Neutral, thats not the same as Neutered though.
I don't take offence easily , or mean any , it's just that sometimes a phrase or sentence strikes my staid English sensibilities as a bit ............. unfortunate maybe, and I can tend to drop a comment ( not wirthout people knowing it's me though ) I am fully aware however that others take them at face value and see nothing untowards and thats fine by me.

Well thats enough of a ramble I think .

By the way Robin, did you get the last e-mails I sent regarding that figure ?
Alan, I noticed on your website you're working on or have finished working on a chasseur d'afrique in the Crimea? Just my curiosity, what scale is this and is that for a commercial release?
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