Confederate gray and butternut


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A Fixture
Jan 8, 2004
in a strange land
Hey guys,

... got another question about American Civil War figures :

What are your ways of painting the grays and "butternut" colours on confederate infantry figures, what are your colour mixes ? (Vallejo and/or oils)

Look forward to reading your replies,

thanks a bunch,


I am with you... I would like to know how some folks mix those colors also.
Will keep an eye on this thread. Good question.

For Conferederate Grey using Vallejo, I start with either London Grey or Neutral Grey (I can post #'s later). These will give a very generic Confederate grey, another that I like for a slightly different grey (more brownish grey) is Medium Grey. I am still working on more blueish grey as seen depicted on many officers uniforms. WRT butternut, I just sorta wing it, but gold ochre is a good starting point IMHO. Remeber, 19th Century dyes varied considerably.
There were as many different grey coats (and trousers) as there 're grey shades. One tip I got over the years is to use always a different third colour when mixing black and white. That way you get a more lively grey (warmer or colder)
Johan,as Vergilius says there were as many shades of grey
and butternut as there were individuals involved.Due to things like the type of dye used,organic or synthetic,homemade or factory produced and how colourfast it was.
A strong gray coloured uniform,if produced with an organic(whatever greyish vegetable is available) dye can become a washed out grey or butternut with a lot of use and washing.
The result being the uniforms of veteran units of troops would not always be the same as those of other units.
... well thanks all of you, you posted some good advice here.

I have the Vallejo colours mentioned - London grey, Neutral grey, and medium grey, and gold ochre. I'll give them a try for the undercoats - I paint in oils over enamel or acrylic.
The piece written by Bob Knee is great and it's all I need for the oil mixes; I'll try those colours.

Figure that I want to do is the 1st Texas Infantryman from Michael Roberts; as soon as my research on the uniform is complete, I'll start painting (just can't figure out the facing colours of the collar and cuffs on the frock coat and the forage cap of this one ... sky blue, dark blue, or was it black ?? So far I saw only photos and illustrations of grey coats with very dark cuffs and collar)
What's very important is in what year your vignette is situated. Early in the war your infantryman would have had a regular uniform. Later on the war this would have been in all possible colours made of whatever they could lay their hands on (including union uniform pieces).
So in what year is your piece situated?
I think the 1st Texas, who were in Gen. Hood's brigade, was present at Antietam, in 1862. They were present at Gettysburg in 1863 too I believe.

So the uniform is quite correctly sculpted. I don't doubt Michael Roberts Ltd for the accuracy of their figures - but I think the facings on the frock coat should be black , not sky blue as in the box art picture.... I'm in doubt here ...
Hi Johan,
Okay, here are the links I promiised you...

Check the links in the first one for more info.

And here's the mix I used on my Confederate officer bust...
Mix Raw Umber, Raw Sienna and Naples Yellow to suit. then lighten with Titanium White to suit. Apply all over for the base color.
Shadow (wet-on-wet) with Raw Umber
Highlight (wet-on-wet) with Naples Yellow
Let Dry
Secondary shadows and highlights with the same colors.
I hope this helps.
Craig :)
PS: Here's how my version turned out...


  • MVC-425FBest fix.jpg
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Nice one craig. What undercoat did you use? I like how the tunic has a greyish tone even though you are using a 'brown' palette. Also wondering about the gloves. Do you remember your recipe for this mix?
Hi Paul,
Thanks. Looking at some in progress pictures of that bust, it looks like it has a simple grey primer as the "undercoat". I usually don't undercoat my oils unless it's either a very transparent oil or I want an undercoat to effect the final color.
I have the mix for the gloves written down at home. I'll post it up tonight for you.
PS: Are you coming down to MFCA again this year?
Johan, the regulation facing color was sky blue, but as you see, the color could be sky blue, blue, or black. If you are going with a date of 1862, I would go with sky blue, but that is just me.
BTW, if you look at Craig's Confederate officer, that is the shade of grrey that Vallejo Medium Grey will give you.
... Wow, thanks guys, for all this information !!

It will make painting that figure much easier.

Craig : that bust is beautiful ... amazing that you used browns to paint that grey coat.

Matthew : thanks, I'll stick to sky blue then for the collar and cuffs.
... And I'll search that bottle of vallejo medium grey ... i'm sure I have one somewhere :)

Thanks !!
