Constructive criticism


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I agree with you Adrian.

The Brutal Honesty section is about as "brutal" as being hit in the face with a wet lettuce leaf.

Considering the recent ugliness over negative comments on new releases and the sh*t storm of accusations, banishments and resignations that ensued, who in their right mind would ever be "brutally honest" about another modeller's figure on this forum?

Not me. I've come to realise that the only way to express negative comments about something you see on Planet Figure, is to not say anything at all.
Not much brutality to fear there Mark.
It has turned into a tame section with very little in the way of criticism at all.
This lady could easily have posted her painting there without freaking out.

I agree with you Adrian.

The Brutal Honesty section is about as "brutal" as being hit in the face with a wet lettuce leaf.

Considering the recent ugliness over negative comments on new releases and the sh*t storm of accusations, banishments and resignations that ensued, who in their right mind would ever be "brutally honest" about another modeller's figure on this forum?

Not me. I've come to realise that the only way to express negative comments about something you see on Planet Figure, is to not say anything at all.

Oh I dunno though, a wet lettuce leaf can do serious damage :LOL:
Both Tony and Adrian raise a serious point, without some constructive criticism a site like this would be wort.
hless. We might as well be a bunch of old gossips in the hairdressers. We don't need anything snide or downright nasty (we're not a political party) , but we do need honesty.
Yours in trepidation, Gary.
I agree with you Adrian.

The Brutal Honesty section is about as "brutal" as being hit in the face with a wet lettuce leaf.

Considering the recent ugliness over negative comments on new releases and the sh*t storm of accusations, banishments and resignations that ensued, who in their right mind would ever be "brutally honest" about another modeller's figure on this forum?

Not me. I've come to realise that the only way to express negative comments about something you see on Planet Figure, is to not say anything at all.

I'll remember that Tony.So if any of you guys who posts pictures of your next labour of love,and Tony doesn't comment,he thinks it's ****:ROFLMAO:
I think the reason why a lot of people don't put their figures on the "Brutal" forum is because they don't particularly want their work ripped to bits by faceless experts who they don't even know.
I'm afraid "Brutal honesty" and well balenced "Constructive criticism" are two completely different things and if I'm wrong I'll flagellate myself with a wet lettuce as penance.
I think the reason why a lot of people don't put their figures on the "Brutal" forum is because they don't particularly want their work ripped to bits by faceless experts who they don't even know.
I'm afraid "Brutal honesty" and well balenced "Constructive criticism" are two completely different things and if I'm wrong I'll flagellate myself with a wet lettuce as penance.

Then perhaps a change of title, to the latter. May well be in order! .. As the word 'Brutal', seems to be of little point of late! and when it was, it created all sorts of ructions.

Just a thought.;)

Then perhaps a change of title, to the latter. May well be in order! .. As the word 'Brutal', seems to be of little point of late! and when it was, it created all sorts of ructions.

Just a thought.;)


Although I agree to a point Mark there is already an option in the v-bench to ask for critique and if people want "Brutal" critique they can ask for it there.
So you also noted about the brutal honesty forum.

To keep the site worthwhile, I think we should all make some effort to do give constructive criticism. I am convinced everyone will have some opinion on presented work. Most will not bother to comment at all, some will click the Like button, some say something nice. All good and well, but the forum will be so much more valuable if we learn from each other's expert views.
We are not going to get many useful comments from family and friends, because they have no clue. We need fellow painters for valuable views and advice.

So I hope everyone will keep making an effort to not only look at a piece, but also remark something they like, and something that could be improved, in their eyes. It is the fair thing to do towards the painter after all that work. It seems too many of us are scared to do that. We shouldn't be. Constructive criticism should be at the heart of the forum. I for one will keep trying to provide it.

Constructive criticism should be at the heart of the forum. I for one will keep trying to provide it.


I agree Adrian but only if it's asked for and yes I believe it would make for a more interesting discussion.
Ideally people posting photo's of their in progress or finished work should say something like "please give constructive criticism" or "I'm not entirely happy with the trousers (for example) what can I do to make them better."

Not everyone wants someone to find fault with something they have put a lot of time and effort into. It can be demoralizing for some people.

What I'm really trying to say if someone wants just to post a photo of their work just to receive a like without receiving any critique there's no harm in it.
I'm all for constructive criticism, it is how we improve and progress after all. Without critique we just sail on thinking we are awesome and that everything's just groovy.

I would like to think that if something could be done to improve my painting or sculpting then someone would step up and tell me. I don't mind being told my stuff is crap if, at the same time, I'm told why its crap and what I could do to sort it out. That's why I always welcome critique on anything I post on here. Nice comments and likes are always welcomed too of course for pretty much the same reasons, it lets you know that you're getting at least something right.

I think that once you put something into the public domain you lose a little bit of control and you have to accept what others think of your work regardless of whether you're fishing for likes and adulation, or looking to improve your work through constructive criticism. How we deal with this is down to individual characters, some take it personally and end up spitting their dummies while others take it on the chin and move on (and get better).

On a side note, but still on topic, I remember a few months ago I was berated by another member for providing critique when none was specifically asked for. That annoyed me a little bit (only a little, I'm a pretty easy going chap) for the reasons mentioned in the last couple of paragraphs, I feel that if you post your work anywhere on the forum then it should be open to any and all comments and critique regardless of whether it is specifically requested or not (why else would you post pictures of your work to a public forum?)

The main reason I prefer this forum over all others is the help, feedback and, above all else, the constructive critique I've received since returning to the hobby about 3 years ago. It has helped me improve my modelling dramatically since I joined, I look back at some of my early posts occasionally and have a little chuckle to myself at how atrocious the work was but I've always got the impression that the mantra on this forum is "This is how I did this....." or "That looks great, but why don't you try this...." rather than the usual "Look what I did, isn't it great!!" approach that you get on other modelling sites. Long may it continue :)
I agree Adrian but only if it's asked for and yes I believe it would make for a more interesting discussion.
Ideally people posting photo's of their in progress or finished work should say something like "please give constructive criticism" or "I'm not entirely happy with the trousers (for example) what can I do to make them better."

Not everyone wants someone to find fault with something they have put a lot of time and effort into. It can be demoralizing for some people.

What I'm really trying to say if someone wants just to post a photo of their work just to receive a like without receiving any critique there's no harm in it.

Ok, that's right Roger.
Most important to me is that there is a balance between positives and critique.
I know of one site that leans towards critique only, sometimes on very nitty-gritty details of great work, without mentioning anything positive. That does set a demotivating mood.
The thing is how things are said. If posted as a question or suggestion rather than brief judgement, critique can be more digestible.
It's about how things are said. Unfortunately this requires a bit more time than a short remark....

Funny things is there is regular griping on PF about the all-out political correctness in the world, but in responding to threads we seem to be just that...rather politically correct! :)

I have no problem with someone telling me all or part of my work is crap, as I know that it needs a lot of improvement.
But if you tell me its crap then show me and explain how I can improve it. If you cant be critical and helpful then don't be anything.

How about we have a destructive and constructive criticism forums? The first for the ones that love the pain and the second for the ones that love the gain.
Sorry, it's getting late for me and I'm losing the plot, time for a snooze.

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