A Fixture
This why I stay clear of the 'Brutal Honesty', forum.
This why I stay clear of the 'Brutal Honesty', forum.
Not much brutality to fear there Mark.
It has turned into a tame section with very little in the way of criticism at all.
This lady could easily have posted her painting there without freaking out.
I agree with you Adrian.
The Brutal Honesty section is about as "brutal" as being hit in the face with a wet lettuce leaf.
Considering the recent ugliness over negative comments on new releases and the sh*t storm of accusations, banishments and resignations that ensued, who in their right mind would ever be "brutally honest" about another modeller's figure on this forum?
Not me. I've come to realise that the only way to express negative comments about something you see on Planet Figure, is to not say anything at all.
I agree with you Adrian.
The Brutal Honesty section is about as "brutal" as being hit in the face with a wet lettuce leaf.
Considering the recent ugliness over negative comments on new releases and the sh*t storm of accusations, banishments and resignations that ensued, who in their right mind would ever be "brutally honest" about another modeller's figure on this forum?
Not me. I've come to realise that the only way to express negative comments about something you see on Planet Figure, is to not say anything at all.
I think the reason why a lot of people don't put their figures on the "Brutal" forum is because they don't particularly want their work ripped to bits by faceless experts who they don't even know.
I'm afraid "Brutal honesty" and well balenced "Constructive criticism" are two completely different things and if I'm wrong I'll flagellate myself with a wet lettuce as penance.
Then perhaps a change of title, to the latter. May well be in order! .. As the word 'Brutal', seems to be of little point of late! and when it was, it created all sorts of ructions.
Just a thought.
Small accident in the trouser department?
Constructive criticism should be at the heart of the forum. I for one will keep trying to provide it.
I agree Adrian but only if it's asked for and yes I believe it would make for a more interesting discussion.
Ideally people posting photo's of their in progress or finished work should say something like "please give constructive criticism" or "I'm not entirely happy with the trousers (for example) what can I do to make them better."
Not everyone wants someone to find fault with something they have put a lot of time and effort into. It can be demoralizing for some people.
What I'm really trying to say if someone wants just to post a photo of their work just to receive a like without receiving any critique there's no harm in it.