Corporate peacekeeper w/ dog


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Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Ok people, this is my first figure in a long time.
It is one by Grey Matter Figures and turned out to be 100mm or roughly 1/18 scale.
I like the overall look of it and I got the idea to dub him a corporate peacekeeper, protecting the corporate interests and properties, when police and army no longer could.

The standard figure as sold:

My modifications so far;

All the p.e. used are scraps, leftovers or spareparts, mostly from the 1/35 scale. The extra optics is actually a taillight part, the badges other vehicle parts. The rest is pretty much homemade...

The gun needed the most work, since that lacks grip and trigger. I made a drum magazine, because I figured that looked a bit more bad than the standard flimsy clip.

The general idea with the doberman, so kindly donated by the folks at CGS Military Figures!!
Thanks a lot!!!
I completely forgot to show the updates.....
By now I have come a long way in the painting process. I have been thinking a long time on how to paint this one. At first I thought on using a sort of angular pattern, like the Swedish M90, but with different colors; more greys and browns. However looking at the figure I abandoned that idea. It would be far to complicated to achieve, since painting this one, with all the cast on gear and details would prove hard enough as it was. I studied a number of experimental patterns and one caught my attention; An experimental US Marines pattern. However I also like some others and since I did not want to copy any particular one, I decided to mix some patterns and colors and come up with one on my own.
A selection of what I had been looking at;
Some Asian (Filipine?) patterns;
San Marco / COMBUSIN
Experimental Dutch
The base is a light sandy colour (Tamiya Buff), over which light grey (Andrea confederate grey) angular patterns were applied, a bit as shown. Then I proceeded with dappling on a pattern in green and brown (vallejo Russian uniform and English uniform), a bit in the fashion of the modern German Bundeswehr-pattern, but in bigger patches.
The reason for the choice sand/grey/brown and green was that it seemed more urban to me than the usual camo-patterns.
During the basic painting I added white to all the colors on the shirt, grey to the colors for the pants and I kept the colors as they were for the helmet and bodyarmour. This way I wanted to show fading through wear and differences in production.
I enhanced those differences by adding a neutral wash to the shirt, a brown one to the pants and a dark one to helmet and armour.


The facemask and the pistolholster I panted vallejo's panzergrey, replicating rubber, the pouches a variation in greens, like Tamiya olive drab, khaki drab, the grenades Tamiya JN green and the straps in a free mix of buff and one of the mentioned greens. The leather elbow protectors are a base of Andrea Red leather with a drybrush of medium flesh and a dark wash and the leather leg- and kneeprotectors are Lifecolour German camouflage brown with a drybrush of red leather and flesh and a dark wash.
An interesting piece with some interesting oroginial thinking behind it as the powers that be try to make us all serfs in a time where corporations increasingly tell governments what to do -e.g. multi billion corporations that pay no tax! Love it.


Cool that you immediately picked what I tried to do here!
I also keep a blog on my modelling endeavours and here's what I wrote in the opening post about it
" The year is 2031 and little over 5 years ago the often ridiculed and laughed at theory of peak oil and its aftermath have become a grim reality. Cheap fossil fuel production and supplies have virtually ceased to exist and as a result global logistics, economies and the production of food and products have collapsed. Shortages of clothing, food and fuel quickly had the modern world in a stranglehold, forcing all but the largest, wealthiest and most ruthless of institutions to their knees. Ever expanding and intensifying social unrests and upheavals were commonplace, contributing in the total collapse of the world's social structures. In many places anarchy or even civil wars broke out and governments the world over were absolutely unable to gain any form of control, which made the already minimal trust of the public in governments, vanish for good.
It was in this era that those large corporations stepped forward and openly seized control over all branches of government and because law enforcement and the military were equally involved and divided by the unrests, they deemed unreliable and thus were disbanded. As a substitute to safeguard their interests and properties the major corporations created their own armed forces; corporate peacekeepers.
Recruited at random these troops were nothing more than hired guns, mercenaries. Men and women with low social standards or a desperate disposition, paid to mercilessly do their master's bidding. They were issued with military surplus and left to their own devices to supplement their own equipment. Due to all the shortages, hitech wasn't going to save the day, since that depended totally on the access to cheap and plentiful energy.

The idea behind the figure;
It is a brutal, small, scrawny man, underfed, malnutritioned, bitter and hard, but kept functioning by being issued with a daily supply of synthetic food supplements to enhance his otherwise meager diet..."
Well, I'm calling this one done!


I added a good deal of washes and pastelchalk powders to the lot, all the while thinking on how to bring more life to the street. I thought about adding a newspaper, but could not get that right. Neither did I get a decent representation of a sodacan or something like that. I thought of plastic bottles or maybe even an empty oil can, but found nothing suitable or useful. So I went for debris of a fight; some rocks that had been thrown, a boken batton, a spent shellcase from a (gas)grenadelauncher and a puddle of suggestive, dark liquid in a corner. And still there was something missing. So at the very last I added some roadmarkings in white. The sand is used to mask glue spills. Now it looks good....
The powders I used are ground up pastelchalk, using browns for the street/tarmac and greys for the concrete roadblock. With the browns I brought the figure into the scene too, by dusting up the lower half of it.
A problem I faced was the dog's floating right hindleg. I shoved an old "plastic bag" underneath it, so the dog has a reason to lift its paw. The plastic bag adds a nice touch to the messy overall look.



Superb stuff. Well done Ron.

What's the name of your blog? I think it would be a very interesting read!


Dear Ron

many thanks for the link. An interesting blog as are the associated ones. Lots of reading for me to do about a very interesting philosophy.



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