Well-Known Member
Dobar početak - good start
good musculature
good musculature

Both places sound like a great place to visit!
I will say the sculpt is coming along nicely!
It may be the photos that make it appear so but it looks as though he is planting too much weight on his forward leg specifically at the knee. Its a very uncomfortable pose to hold for too long because of the amount of pressure exerted on the knee.
If the shin angle is reduced it will help, or possibly adjusting it to make it appear as though he is "falling" more so.
You could also raise the knee more, that would also stabilize him.
It may seem to some like a fussy comment however I think the knee is actually a key element of the pose as it will dictate the amount of "strength" and thus "anger" in the pose.
I'm following this with great interest. What material are you using to model this with?