Lol, Kevin, thanks, Buddy!Stand fast Lt Werner .......Mr Ski has momentum, Nap
Good to see you're getting back up to speed, Stevo, no worries. I've been making saw dust for a bit myself, so some of this work has been on hold.Bit late to the party with my comment, a virus and injuries have kept me away for a while.
Nice progress mate, nice to follow along on another of your oil painting journeys so I can learn a bit more.
Cheers Steve
Thanks, Mario, working as best I can with what I gotthat looks amazing already,and looks like a very nice setwhen this is going to be done
im sure it's going to be amazing, Mario
Coming along nicely.. Your work speaks for its self.... looking forward to seeing more..
Thanks, Kevin. No rework on this set, gotta get it done. And yes, a little putty goes a lonnnnnnggggg way, HA! Not sure how the wet look will be worked in, still pondering that.As you say shame the hand covers the face as much ...suppose you could lower his arm .....just, As for your "ugly mug" .....surely not .........sculpting putty helped me fill cracks in .....I'm intrigued if your going to do any rain effects ?Nap
Looking really good so far, this will be another amazing piece when finished.
Just catching up here Steve and this looks like an amazing start to your very ambitious project. Fantastic modelling and paintwork so far.