This is a super idea, just worried about the size of the base.
If the figures are 54mm or 75mm, how big's the blooming ship ?
Can you tell us more of their history at all dude?
I am genuinely intrigued
Paul, I am sorry - the thread went so fast I never saw your message!

The 369th Infantry Regiment, known as the "
Harlem Hellfighters" is another of the many lost battalions still not kitted in any form.
Unfortunately racism and segregation are part of the history of mankind. Even in the second world war, the Tuskegee Airman were subjected to segregation and medal of Honor receiver Doris Miller was a cooker assistant because secondary tasks were given to enlisted black man.
Back in World War I things were similar or worst: As strange as it appears today, an African American who wished to fight in Great War had to offer his services to Canadian or French troops! They could not enlist the American Army.
So, to avoid this, the US formed the 369th. A regiment strictly for African Americans or African Puerto Ricans.
They had a remarkable success in France, being named "Men of Bronze".
Here's an illustration showing them in action at the ending months of a war that until end August no one could predict who would win.
They never loose a trench, they never left no one behind. It's true to say the Harlem Hellfighters showed the American People how important and valuable African Americans could be in the military forces.