Dedicated to all figure producers - Most wanted figures for 2015


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By God! .. I truly hope the 'Home Guard', are covering my arse on this! ... there again perhaps this is not such a good idea ?? :LOL::eek:

Dads%20Army.jpg.:whistle: .. However this aspect will not be needed!

In Hope!

Mark, I do voluntary work for SSAFA ,and we have a real life Capt Mannering, even looks like him, except he is a Colonel. Signs all his paperwork with Col Retired. But I then found out, he was never in the Army, but he was in the local Army Cadets. I wondered why he was always reluctant to enter into conversation with me, you just gotta laugh at some of these people, so far up their own arses that they are forever looking out their ears. Don't Panic Sir!!!!!!
Once again stunning ideas gathering here! :)

A dear friend of mine asked if there was a bust of Mr. Spock in any manufacturers catalog. Well, I said, to my knowledge we only have a creation made by Andrea in 54mm... So he send me a reference photograph.

With a certain sense of risking flak hitting, I'll share it, because unquestionably it was the best laugh I had in a very long time. :ROFLMAO:

Putting jokes aside (or not ... Spock bust is a must have :) ), here's another forgotten theme:

The Harlem Hellfighters - a lost battalion, not alone in figurines but in history as well! Time to make them the right tribute:


Bring ideas, good folks! Some months ago, I suggested here Mad Jack Churchill, now two busts of him are coming.

The good guys are reading our words :happy::LOL:
They do and don't listen you know.
When my brother david was 6 he wrote to Airfix asking them to make gurkhas.
They duly sent him "the first box" as a thank you for a great idea from a member of the airfix club.
I rembered this and suggested to hinchcliffe that they produce a large samurai, and to post militaire
that 90mm mounted figure kits would sell well
Never got MY freebie!
Wonderful story, Paul! :)

Here comes another one: Onna Bugeisha - Japanese upper class female warriors. Member Tadatsugu posted this astonishing inspiration:


Let's hope some sculptor fall in love by her - she would make a cracking bust!
Putting jokes aside (or not ... Spock bust is a must have :) ), here's another forgotten theme:
The Harlem Hellfighters - a lost battalion, not alone in figurines but in history as well! Time to make them the right tribute:

This is a super idea, just worried about the size of the base.
If the figures are 54mm or 75mm, how big's the blooming ship ?
Can you tell us more of their history at all dude?
I am genuinely intrigued
Blue thunder, thanks for the plug:LOL:. I am at pains to point out that I resisted suggesting the Onna Bugeisha as a project myself due to her only being a posed photographic model. Having said that, I'd still buy one.
Following the release of their Sheildmaiden, could I suggest Nutsplanet think about this one?
Dear Manufacturers,

First of all, thank you so much for producing better and better quality miniatures. I rememebr little tin soldiers in the 80s when I was a kid ...the progress is unbelievable. I am so grateful for your passion.

I think many of us loove when you come out with a product thats exciting , and a dynamic pose is often so important. There are already sooo many figures that are static, just standing there. But theyre beautiful as well, nothing wrong with that.
I noticed there are not many products picturing DYNAMIC (i.e. galloping for example) heavy n(or light) armoured Mongol archers . I believe its still a great area to explore further. It would prove IMHO a great bestseller.


Once more, I thank you on behalf of all of us for your dedication to art called Miniature production (and painting).. (y)

Dear Manufacturers,.......I noticed there are not many products picturing DYNAMIC (i.e. galloping for example) heavy n(or light) armoured Mongol archers. I believe its still a great area to explore further. It would prove IMHO a great bestseller.
.....Once more, I thank you on behalf of all......

There's a simple reason for that Piotr!
You know Hornet models who make hundreds of spare heads ?

Well those words were Roger Saunders answer when someone asked
" you make a lot of German and European heads but not many,
( some exotic rare item).
May I ask why not?"

He meant for every 50-100 ww2 germans/knights and so on he would sell one rare item.
It's the same with american civil war items.
Outside the usa the market is much smaller than we think.
Something we love as an individual often has no mass market appeal
and therefore will never be made commercialy.

That's why I started converting and sculpting, I can make what will not be produced.

I could see carl reid sculpting a horse archer twisting firing, but only as a bust not
sadly a full figure on horseback.
It would be spectacular though I totally agree.
As would a scythian or parthian doing the same
All the best
You know Hornet models who make hundreds of spare heads ?

I could see carl reid sculpting a horse archer twisting firing, but only as a bust not
sadly a full figure on horseback.
It would be spectacular though I totally agree.
As would a scythian or parthian doing the same
All the best

Maybe youre right...(sigh)
