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The whole process was a learning experience... from researching the raid to painting a subject that is way out of my comfort zone.
I just finished watching a documentary on the raid, "Dieppe Uncovered". Formerly top secrect files have been opened exposing the raid to have been a snatch and grab, or a pinch raid... to grab a German Enigma machine. The rest of the raid was a decoy operation so the 30 I.A.U. (Intelligence Assualt Unit under the command of Ian Flemming of James Bond fame) could loot the German Naval HQ in Dieppe. Seems like a noble reason for the raid but also a cold sacrifice of thousands of Canadians so a small Commando group might not get noticed... they never did land 30IAU in Dieppe. Their craft turned about after taking some shell damage.
They say the success of D-Day came from lessons learned at Dieppe... but even those valuable lessons came at a high price.
Be careful with such docs. My view is that a lot of them are History Channel (i.e those that brought us Swamp People and Ice Road Truckers because someone in one episode used the word "history" in a sentence) crapola efforts that are intended to present a dramatic thesis to attract fleeing viewership. I don't buy this as the base reason for a raid of that size.