...but worst than
Super Bock.
.... worst ? you mean Wurst perhaps, and sauerkraut ?
Just kidding - and by the way Westmalle is the best Trappist beer around anyway. Invented by monks, not by Germans
More seriously and in keeping with the question I raised with this thread : the jets the Germans invented that you mention were like their big tanks : they had their (sometimes dangerous) flaws, and even when some were quite good like the Me262, there were far too few of them to make a significant impact and on top of that they were used in the wrong way - "schnellstbomber" instead of pure fighter planes. There's no way they could have made a difference in that way.
If you want to talk about war-winning weapons that did make a difference, then you'll invariably have to conclude that Allied designs were the best : the Merlin engine (in the Spitfire !), the Jeep, the Bazooka, etc.
Much has been said also about the special qualities of the german soldier, and maybe many were good fighting men indeed, but actually the american or british soldier was just as capable. Much of the myth of the german uber-soldier existed only in the minds of their allied counterparts I'm afraid - soldiers like to brag about the enemies they fight, especially when there are rookies around. Same goes for the German equipment they were so fond of collecting as souvenirs : it was a thrill to hold an item actually used by the soldiers of the evil empire they fought - fe many American GI's were very keen on having a Luger pistol : well actually the Luger wasn't even a good pistol, it was phased out at that time, the best pistol in the world was actually the browning or the colt that the GI's carried with them !
So, since I have "switched" to WWII, I have come to like Allied stuff most