Peedee speaks the TRUTH. The only answer to any question that will always make sense on this forum is "buy more figures".
Chris, anyone who has a work bench that isn't covered in tubes of paint, random bits of wire, empty coffee mugs full of mould, CD's without covers, paintbrushes, the little clear plastic paint brush sleeves, blobs of blu-tak, loose bits of resin dust from the last time you used the dremel, pipe cleaners, tea towels your wife doesn't know you use to wipe your brushes on, half painted figures, a random spare head from a figure you no longer have, masking tape, empty clear plastic bags, printed out photos from Google Images, colour mixing books, various files and scraping tools, cans of primer, glass jars for storing brushes, various small dishes and bowls for water and paint mixes, a cutting board etc etc isn't really a figure modeller.
Frankly I'm surprised you have room for any figures on your workbench.