So what are you saying?...….That acrylics are immature.?…….Phil....Don't you wish you were an artist instead of a guitar player...
….Great SBS...……..
Hi Phil
Glad to hear you are wearing big boy trousers
WOW!!!! a great pictures and explanation = a great SBS ....I am keeping this for my files
Those golden certainly look smooth ..have you just used them as a base for oils or have you used as normal ?
Love the eyes ( the busts not yours !! )
Following right next to you on this
Nice work Phil, you're moving through this kit pretty fast.
Hello Phil
Thanks for this SBS, which I am finding very useful as a relative newbie. I have one question on your use of Golden acrylics. As heavy body paints do you thin or modify them at all, I’m thinking particularly of detail work here?
Great information here ..going to get some of the Golden acrylics ( as if I haven't got enough!!..LOL )
The end result on this is a pleasure to see
Ah yes, a fellow oiler, lol. I gotta say it, cause I prefer the blending properties of oils myself. I'm an old dog in the fact that I won't be switching to acrylics anytime within this lifetime, HA! Looks like you retained your touch Phil and thx for doing the SBS.
One observation, may have been mentioned already; the grainy texture on the busts appear to be from the primer coat. Is this an oversight or was it not much a concern on this project? I know you said this was kinda like a fun run. Personally, when I see grainy grit on my fig I go ballistic, but that's me Bro.
I like the blending of the flesh tone, and them eyes look great. Funny, eyes still jack me around nowadays, go figure, lol. Ruck On Phil.
Cheers, Ski.
Awesome SBS! Beautiful work!
Phil....Echoing other members. I want to thank for all your effort in putting together this informative and detailed SBS. I've been an oil man for 25 yrs and generally happy with my results but its always an inspiration to see how others get the beautiful effects they achieve.