Thank you very much, everyone.
Hi! Nemanja.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
A job had a rough passage with the color of the skin this time for me.
I'm not good at how to use the oil paints, so I'll practice more.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! Rob.
Thank you very much for your kind comment and advice.
It was my mistake about a labrum.
I think this figure looked sexier when processing here politely.
The facial failure is fatal, isn't it?
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! Costas.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I'm not making a pure historical figure so much these days.
A figure of WWII is most.
I also felt like making a metal figure by and by.
I come to think I'd like to make a pure historical figure in particular when your work is being seen.
I also expect your lastest work very much.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! Mark.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I was going to have painted quite politely more than the previous work, but there was also failure.
I'd like to make an effort so that I may practice more and bring it close to a work like you.
I'm also looking forward to your bust model very much.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! CPTan.
Thank you very much for your kind comment and advice.
I think the eyebrow was too thick as you say.
I may correct about here.
It was a mistake that failure concentrated on a face for me.
I'd like to paint carefully so that such thing won't be done from now on.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! Steve.
Thank you very much for your kind comment and advice.
I should take a thinner line for an eyebrow as you said.
I wasn't also observing well about a lip.
I'm often upset about the second half of painting.
I'd like to paint a little more calmly.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! Carl.
It's probably a mistake in a facial part, so I think this problem is quite important.
I think facial painting is emphasized when everyone sees a figure.
I'd like to settle this problem carefully from now on.
Thank you for liking it.
Hi! stefano.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I think these troops are a national charge corps.
She isn't doing an armband.
I can't think she was a regular soldier for me.
Thank you for liking it.