Right, now this new laptop is up and working...loosely.......I can say that I've never enjoyed a model Expo so much; an absolute corker. To meet and chat and joke with so many of you was a real tonic. To Huw, Paul, Tom, Pete, Scotty,(Ahh, the pipes, the pipes are calling...), to everyone, thank you for making it special. My face is still aching from grinning and laughing. My wallet is aching from being opened and shut so often, but it resulted in some super new figures that inspired me. I just hope I can do them all justice. Marvellous to meet again some older faces from the early days, and to see them looking so well. It keeps us young, this hobby of ours, in our hearts at least.
I'll make sure I bring more of the 'Mandarine Napoleon' next time
