Face Exercise


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That looks great with the hair on. If you haven't baked yet, check the alignment of the eyes. Also note the angle of the front edge of the ears.

That's it for now, moving to next one, "fat and smiling" or a female maybe ;)












Young faces are difficult to sculpt as they lack the lines and character of an older face. This one does look good, especially the mouth area. I agree with Einion the eyes aren't lined up, but as this is part of a development process that is something to look out for on the next one. Being right handed I find left eyes more difficult than right ones and always have to check several times for alignment and size. If you put the bust in front of a small mirror it is a great way to check for this.
Yes You are right - i messed that up, and now it's impossible to change it without destroying almost half of the head.
The best I could do is to make him look "right and down" to hide it as much as possible. Think that this two angles show it the best:


Yes colleagues are correct in the right hand is poorly made ​​both sides of the face.
But it is true that every person has two different faces half. Do not bother with perfect symmetry. Always to be seen in order to be anatomically correct, and also that it acted naturally.(y)

Da kolege su u pravu.Desna strana čini jedan gori od drugoga. Stoga, kada je pravo skulpture lice osim lijevo. No, to ne smeta uopće. Svaka osoba ima dva različita lica polovicu. Ne brinite o simetrije. Važno da je anatomski ispravan, a pogotovo da izgleda prirodno.
Sada Nadam se da razumijete. Držim moji fige da sam prošla osobito slikovit i prirodno lice. Vi ste vrlo dobro.(y)
We aren't proffessional sculptors (I hope I don't hurt somebody and of course on the PF are many profis too), so we make mistakes, the same, or very similar faces, when we do a face. One of my friend say allways, we all have only one caracter, just one or more parts we do different. (I have a big nose, so most of my first figures had great nose too :LOL: )
Now on your second exercise I see a similar, but the most lifely caracter, this is a tipical eastern-slav man (for example he could be a soviet soldier). I like him! And now is not important that this is similar with the earliers or not, because this is very good.
It would be a good exercize to make next time a totaly other caracter like this

or this,

(who also hasn't simetrical eyes), or an African

By the way congratulations to the last face! (y)

...this is part of a development process that is something to look out for on the next one.
Yep, that's the ticket. Initially I think it's better not to work overlong on each piece correcting and revising; you do have to have the gumption to do some but it's easy to take it too far. Finish and move on to the next, down the line each of your training sculpts is then a concrete example of the improvement you've made.

Being right handed I find left eyes more difficult than right ones and always have to check several times for alignment and size.
One side is always more difficult but do you mean the model's left eye or the one on your left? I find the head's right eye more difficult, partly because the nose simply gets in the way.

One tip I got years ago from another member in relation to painting eyes was to do the difficult one first, then it's much easier to get the easier one to match that. This has been even more helpful when it came to sculpting eyes, especially at larger sizes.

But it is true that every person has two different faces half.
This is true and it can be used somewhat, but some sculptors rely on this a little too much :whistle:

At real size the differences are often quite subtle, and these would be very slight at small scales so it's very easy to overdo it. Better to strive for the ability to create perfect symmetry - as they do in academic sculpting training - so you can achieve that when desired. You can always choose to tweak a feature here or there for interest (rather than it being forced upon you).

I agree. It is also true that the search for beauty is symmetry. The symmetrical face the beautiful and generally perceived as attractive.
The reality, however, with us from time to time plays cruel.:D:D:wacky:
SuperSculpey + small amount of fimo for color. Gray or green - it works better than transparent color of SuperSculpey.
Smoothing with Johnson&Johnson baby oil, and washing in water after one "smooth session" - otherwise material could apsorb too much baby oil and become "smushy" - do not know it's the right word ;)
I do like your work.
Women are hard to sculpt and you have done very well here.
Once again the mouth area is excellent.
She does have uneven eyes, with one slightly larger than the other. I'm sure this is more obvious because she has no hair or clothing. The bigger left (right as you look at it) is the better one.
What scale is she?
An excellent reference for sculpting female faces is 'Modelling Heads and Faces in Clay' by Berit Hildre

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