Hi Saruxaxa, beautiful work, the poor bloke looks frozen. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, do hurry up and put up an album.
Best wishes, Gary.
Thanks for the coments guys! Garyhiggins I have a wips gallery if you want to take a look.
Eludia, hope you put your progress of the miniature, I definitely watch the thread
Started on Falkar at the weekend, it really is a nice figure to "colour in". I have a question regarding the mini though saruxaxa:
No crossbow? ... Most of the versions of this mini that I've seen on CMON and PnP, including your excellent version, do not include the crossbow. Is there a reason for this? (I can maybe understand if it was lost to the carpet monster for 1 or 2 people but nearly every version I've seen is sans crossbow). Is it maybe because it just hangs there instead of looking like it's securely attached like all his other gear? Anyhoo, I like it so I'm looking into making some "rope" to make it look like it isn't going to fall off at the smallest sneeze.
P.s. I'm not being critical, your version is awesome, I'm just curious to whether I'm missing something really obvious that will prompt people to say "Oh I see you attached the crossbow, you moron"