Adrian Bay's Celt maybe?
Judging problems have come and gone at Euro numerous times at Euro; they will occur again, it's in the nature of the thing.
Unfortunately this does mean that standards vary a bit, not just from year to year but also across categories at the same show. There's little that can really be done for this, human foibles being what they are. Stewarding is much less an issue of differing tastes or emphasis from person to person though.
What bugs me about this is that in some previous years the stewards were not in the least shy about warning people to be more careful about dangling lens caps, leaning in too close for a macro shot etc. and moving them back if and when necessary. That's not something that really should have changed at all, especially given the space limitations of the venue coupled with the great press of people during the busy times.
I wouldn't worry at all. It's quite clear you weren't trying to smear the show, just report a bad incident - which you absolutely should have, it's nothing to keep quiet about.