Finished Lasalle


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Dee emailed me and asked for assistance in posting until she becomes familiar with the workings of the planet. Below is her "Lasalle"

Here is my finished Lasalle figure. The red was the most difficult color for
me. I thought the Pleisse would be difficult with all the lace and braid. I
actually enjoyed painting that part.
The straps were also a challenge, to paint the straight lines of gold.
This is the figure that I had to modify his legs to make him taller.
I would appreciate any comments on anything anyone sees that I could
improve on. Also on any techniques on how to paint the straps or gold, etc.
I did dull coat the figure. The picture makes the green and red a bit shiney,
probably my lights when photographed caused that.


Front view:


Rear view:


All comments welcomed
Beautiful work Dee............the attention to detail you have shown is amazing. I love the richness of the colors.
Dee, Your figure turned out really well. You may want to use a very light red or even highlight color as the basecoat and the actual red color for the shadows.~Gary
Thanks everyone for your feedback. This helps me a lot to know
that I am on the right track.
Gary... never thought of doing red that way. I will remember that and
try it the next time.
I am getting close to finishing my Chasseur, but the red on him was
of course totally different. No great shadow areas.. etc.
Will post that when I am done.

Thank you again
I think this is beautifully done. Your details are crisp and well rendered. The colors look just right to me. I do see though, what looks like a seam on each lower leg (just below the knees). I don't know if it is supposed to be there, but from what I can tell it doesn't look appropriate. As to say, it doesn't appear to be the top of his boots or some sort of gaiter/puttee (sp?). I like the weathering on the pants, but it stops abruptly at the "seam" and serves to emphasize it instead of hide it. Don't be discouraged, VERY nice work over all, down to the groundwork! Keep it up!!!!! Please feel free to contradict what I have said and let me know if the seam is supposed to be there and I am just a goof!

Jay H.
Hello Dee,
Your painting is very nice, Antoine Lasalle is very amazing. I don't know, or I did not understand, if the general is sculpted also by you, or if is a production figure, and I don't know the scale.
Referring to the historical contents, that I am trying to force among the PM, I can give you some advices. The fur of pelisse has to be brown, not grey as appears in the photo. The sabretache for me is rather squared, it was about 35 cm. long, 33cm large in the bottom and 25cm in the upper part, then you can calcule his true dimensions, related with the scale of the soldier.
Besides, I read on the base 1808, but I can say you that Lasalle was promoted general of division on december 1806, then on the sabretache he had three silver stars, not two.
For Sambaman,
If I have understood right, did you tell something about the black low part of the trousers? That's really correct, this type of trousers, carried by officers of nap light cavalry (hussars above all) had a leather part, reproducing the boots design, that was a reinforcement of the cloth, to preserve the trousers from use in campaign. It's curious note that the aide de camp of Lasalle, the lieutenant Theron of 10th Hussars (after promoted captain and chef d'escadron) wore the identical type of trousers of his chief.
Jay... thanks for the comment... those are false boots.. so I thought the
line should be in there.. like they are sewn into the trousers. I think Marcello
agreed with that look.

Janne.. thank you... I did enjoy doing this one. I am getting more relaxed
about painting and enjoying it more.

Marcello... this is a Verlinden kit.. 120mm.
Thank you for your input... about the fur and the Sabretache...I will be
more careful next time and try to do better research.
So your saying based on the stars on the Sabretache.. I have the date
incorrect ?

These comments are most helpful.. I appreciate it.

Hi Dee,
If the drawings on the sabreache (stars included) are already engraved, it's necessary you change the date of reference, because Lasalle had two stars as general of brigade until december 1806, when he was promoted to upgrade of general of division, so he could carry three stars. You can also see on the tassels of the cords which close his pelisse, that had two or three stars embroidered, dependig of his grade. There is anything also engraved there?
However the design of the 1808 model sabretache, as general of division, changed as you can see underneath. I put a portrait of Lasalle as you painted, but dated in 1806, his sabretache in 1808 with the different design, and the pelisse as general of division with tree stars on tassels



The tassel on the pleisse has 2 stars and it looks like there is a 3rd
but its not real clear.

Jay... enjoyed the conversation...

I have learned a lot from the comments...

Thank you
Hi Dee,
Well, the tassels are according with the sabretache (even if Verlinden has almost foreseen the promotion :lol: ) then you change the date of the base in 1806 and all turns right for this magnificent cavalier, who told "an hussar not dead when 30 years aged is not a good hussar". He died 40 years old, but it's impossible say something bad of him, one of the most corageous cavalry commanders, who obliged with only 700 men and a trick the town of Stettin to surrender with all his garrison, 5500 men and 120 guns! But his destiny of hussar ended at Wagram, striked at the head by a rifle shot of an Austrian infantryman, when he was leading another charge. :(
Please, study the men you paint, PM, they have a life and an history, knowing better them, you'll paint your figures with increased passion! :)
Hi Dee,
Has been a pleasure converse with you, see you at the next napoleonic.
I am very glad to help anyone who wants make a serious work about naps.
Bye ;)

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