Finished Viking Warrior


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Just finished the Viking tonight. All thats left is the brass plaque for the front.





All comments / critiques welcomed.
Hi Guy a beautiful piece.... good the movement only small thing that I can say is the hand that it holds the axe forces little behind....... but is not exaggerated what one can go the same one well.... therefore compliments. ;)

MAB :)
Hi Guy
Very nicely done, like the shield a lot overall your figure has turned out just right
Whats next on the list?
Excellent painting and groundwork ! :)
The wooden planks in the shield are SUPER !!!
Awesome !


Wojciech Lubicz-Lapinski
Hi guy,

the pics are not very good, so I cant see well details.........

But I really love the shield as far as I can see :)

Looks great! As a base fanatic I like your base a lot! Did you incorporate a base from the figure or build it complete by yourself?

Thanks for the feedback guys..............appreciated.

Maurizio ~ The axe hand / arm does seem to be exagerated some. I may change the pose when I do this figure for my own collection.

Wojciech ~ Thanks my friend. I hope I can do your bust justice. Its in the preparation stage now.

Periklis ~ Thanks for the comments. The sheild was first painted in acrylics and then given a black acrylic wash. Black mixed with water ( 1 drop paint to 4 drops of water ) and then applied over the base color. The diluted black wash flows into the cracks ( see picture I took in the middle of the wash step ). Afterwards I drybrush the sheild accross the grain with the semi-dry paint of the dry-brush technique picking up the edges of the planks. I usually use the base color (tan) and add a couple of drops of white to lighten the color on the dry-brush mix pad.


Jean Paul ~ I can see the individual blades of grass.......chain mail detail.......individual strands of hair........and sheild detail in the photos. Might want to adjust the resolution on your monitor. Pics were taken with a desktop tripod.

Frank ~ Thanks Frank for the comment. I believe a well done base with groundwork can enhance a figure and add to the story. The base (resin) that came with the Viking had a abrupt drop off right in front of the left foot.


I liked the ground detail of the kit base so I decided to build up the side where it was flat and went to my groundwork parts box and used some random sized stones placed into the wet sculpty-mold and then sprinkled small grains of sand in between the stones.


I hope this answers all your questions. Feel free to ask more.
Hi guy,

we, painters, try to do a good paint effect with lights and shadows. Sometimes zenith method, or lateral light... under a hot summer sun, or in night time with only a candle light.....
Lots of possibilities.

What I can see with your pics is an artificial light from the right of the pics.
That artificial light avoid your painted light effects.
Maybe you should use more than one light. Because I can see more darkness in the left side of the pics.

It does not help to "read" your paint work.

That's what I meant when I wrote "I cant see well details" :)

There is a main light as you noticed on the right as well as a softer light on the left. I have always said my hobby is painting figures........not photography. Besides my wife thinks this hobby is expensive enough. I am always experimenting with lighting and position as well as backdrops.......the right combination will come some time..................I hope.

The 4 photos above came from 23 photos I took. Sorry they were not of better quality for some.
Nice work, Guy. To get rid of the sheen ( specially the red ) use Liquitex Basic Matt paint for your undercoats next time. Since you're in the U.S. it's readily available to you. You'll find it absorbs just about any oil residue. The paint is inexpensive, covers extremely well and always covers matt regardless of the coats and is an excellent undercoat for oil painters. Works just as well with blues etc.
Hello John and thanks for the comment,

Believe it or not there is no sheen to the red when the figure is viewed and all the colors are dead flat. The sheen seen must be from the lighting (too much) and some dark colored enamels show as a sheen. My good friend Jay (Sambaman) will testify as to their flat finished appearence as Jay stops over to the house often and has seen the figures in natural lighting.

As Floquil paint I use is an enamel and goes on smoothly ( no grit or texture as some acrylics have, it is hard to photograph some colors because they are so smooth a texture.IMHO, and reflect back the light. I have several all acrylic figures I painted years ago that give a much different appearence and are even flatter than the enamel flat paint.
Hello Guy this is a great work what you done here, love the style that you paint this one and the groundwork is fantastic, where did you find the rocs?, looks great...
take care

Hi Guy ,
What can I sy except its great , love the position of the figure ,the ground work is really effective . How did you do the cloak really good effect ...keep it up ..... :eek: :lol: smiles from rainy UK but I am in my modelling room and happy !!!! Regards Kev
You're right on, Guy, concerning a 'false' sheen because of lighting. I think impurities in the pigments are responsible for the effect. Still a sweet paint job on the Viking!

I cannot say more then you have done a great job. I really like the paintjob you did on this. Great work.
Iff i may ask. The groundwork seems some snow. Iff it is not don't read further.
I suggest to put some snow on his shoes, etc. To bring him in the environment.

But i really, really like it. Great painting.

Hi again Guy,

sorry to keep talking about the pics :)

I dont think you need to buy more. You have 2 lights, that's enought to take good pics.

Here some logical points of view (I hope) :
If you have one light stronger and the other softer, you emphaze the light from one side (actually from the right). But your paint work has a normally zenithe light effect. That avoid the reading.
Now, if you have same intensivity from the 2 lights (both right and left equal) you get a perfect equilibre from both side. That's might help to read your paint work.

I do now take pics like our friend Luca Piergentili showed me.
I put 2 lights (one left, one right) with softer front of each (kind of calc paper).
With the camera I choose the options : of maximum focus opened and max light.

Try it if you wish, and maybe you'll notice that you dont need to buy more thing to get greats pics ;)


Ps : I insist about pics, because I'd like to better admire and watch your work. Because I cant come visit you in USA :lol:
And I agree with you that the hobby is painting. But sharing our hobby is good too.

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