Hi again Guy,
sorry to keep talking about the pics
I dont think you need to buy more. You have 2 lights, that's enought to take good pics.
Here some logical points of view (I hope) :
If you have one light stronger and the other softer, you emphaze the light from one side (actually from the right). But your paint work has a normally zenithe light effect. That avoid the reading.
Now, if you have same intensivity from the 2 lights (both right and left equal) you get a perfect equilibre from both side. That's might help to read your paint work.
I do now take pics like our friend Luca Piergentili showed me.
I put 2 lights (one left, one right) with softer front of each (kind of calc paper).
With the camera I choose the options : of maximum focus opened and max light.
Try it if you wish, and maybe you'll notice that you dont need to buy more thing to get greats pics
Ps : I insist about pics, because I'd like to better admire and watch your work. Because I cant come visit you in USA :lol:
And I agree with you that the hobby is painting. But sharing our hobby is good too.