First try


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New Member
Mar 18, 2004

I have been looking this page for a while and i'm really amazed with the quality of the works. Finally I decided to try to sculpt. I'm using an epoxy putty used for house and car repairing (cant find any modelling putty here where i live). the scale of the figure is supposed to be 1/16. As you can see need a lot of practice and your coments and advices will be very usefull for me.




Welcome to planetFigure :)
Your progress is looking promising for a first try (y)

I think you'll find a number of sculptors here that use putties not acutally marketed as "Modelling" but more of a hardware product :)
Gracias por contestar Luis.

La idea es hacer una viñeta con dos operadores del GEO (no el de España, sino el de Ecuador) encolumnados listos para ingresar a despejar una habitación. Tendrán uniformes negros, cascos de Kevlar y máscaras antigas. Las armas serán HK MP5 (es la que empecé a realizar), pistolas HK USP y uno de ellos tendrá una escopeta remington 870. Todo es muy ambicioso para un novato, pero haré mi mejor intento!!
Hello Daniel,

I got you moved after looking up your last name in the roster. Your work is looking good.....keep us posted as you go along. (y)