Dan Morton
A Fixture
Just starting out on my next project which will be another sculpt based on a well-published wartime photo. The photo is of a French infantryman cyclist sitting at the base of a street lamp eating lunch in a deserted village.
Not much to show you except reference materials. This will be in 1/16th scale.
I have a Verlinden gas street lamp from about the right period that I will convert to look Belgian or French. There is a feature on the column [see photo] that I'd like to make once and then have cast three times. I'm lousy with casting, so will be looking for some help on it later.
I've already made the street of paver stones from putty. I'll add some grass and dirt between the stones later.
The head of the Poilu cyclist is from Reedee's Miniatures, boots from a kit. The Berthier carbine from another kit.
The bicycle is a Del Prado with fenders cut from lead strip but not mounted. I'll need to add a rear basket.
On the bike will go a folded and tied down bread bag and a rolled-up tent half. The tent half is my best guess about the rolled thingie in the photo.
The ammo containers will be from a kit, but I'll add a belt, buckle and various odds and ends. All the other bits lying near the figure in the photo will be scratch built.
I'm wondering about the size of the shop buildings and trying to work out scale sizes and proportions. Lots of construction materials on order. The store fronts will be built like old Hollywood sets essentially. I'll start with the deepest layer of planks of wood that have been nailed to secure the entrances and windows, a layer of putty to bring everything up to that depth, intact and broken window glass made from thin clear acrylic plastic, door and window frames from model railroad supply firms cut to fit, then another layer of putty to form the bricks and mortar and concrete block exterior construction.
All the best,
DanView attachment 114855
Not much to show you except reference materials. This will be in 1/16th scale.
I have a Verlinden gas street lamp from about the right period that I will convert to look Belgian or French. There is a feature on the column [see photo] that I'd like to make once and then have cast three times. I'm lousy with casting, so will be looking for some help on it later.
I've already made the street of paver stones from putty. I'll add some grass and dirt between the stones later.
The head of the Poilu cyclist is from Reedee's Miniatures, boots from a kit. The Berthier carbine from another kit.
The bicycle is a Del Prado with fenders cut from lead strip but not mounted. I'll need to add a rear basket.
On the bike will go a folded and tied down bread bag and a rolled-up tent half. The tent half is my best guess about the rolled thingie in the photo.
The ammo containers will be from a kit, but I'll add a belt, buckle and various odds and ends. All the other bits lying near the figure in the photo will be scratch built.
I'm wondering about the size of the shop buildings and trying to work out scale sizes and proportions. Lots of construction materials on order. The store fronts will be built like old Hollywood sets essentially. I'll start with the deepest layer of planks of wood that have been nailed to secure the entrances and windows, a layer of putty to bring everything up to that depth, intact and broken window glass made from thin clear acrylic plastic, door and window frames from model railroad supply firms cut to fit, then another layer of putty to form the bricks and mortar and concrete block exterior construction.
All the best,
DanView attachment 114855
Poilu 1.jpg593.8 KB
bicycle.jpg175 KB
Poilu-excerpt.jpg857.9 KB
1 quart tin cup.jpg24.9 KB
Adrian-1.jpg138.4 KB
Adrian-2.jpg198.5 KB
Adrian-3.jpg146.3 KB
Adrian-4.jpg118 KB
Ammo Cartouchiere Mle 1916.jpg21 KB
bidon M1877.gif27.1 KB
collar-tabs.jpg131 KB
gaiters.jpg142.3 KB
gaiters-2.jpg104.2 KB
gamelle or mess tin.jpg38 KB
Lebel 1886 bayonet for carbines and short rifles.jpg105.9 KB
light-column-feature.jpg44.7 KB
M2-gas-mask-can.jpg118.3 KB
M1888 ammo cartouches.jpg21.8 KB
M1888-ammo-pouch,-bayonet-f.jpg221.7 KB
M1892 musette or bread bag.jpg29.3 KB
M1897 toile_de_tente or tent half, repro..jpg27.3 KB
M1915-a.jpg295.7 KB
M1915-b.jpg200.3 KB
Mannlicher Berthier M.1892 M Carbine 1.jpg130.6 KB