Genghis Khan 200mm


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I just think of how many Rosengrant figures I could find and buy if I had a spare
3179 U.S laying around...………….Warriors, S&T and Alpine ( Pegaso German Paratrooper and 101st) all 200mm:) might even have some money left over for some Jeff Shui's 200mm figure delights

Of course you have to consider that this miniature is painted to a very high standard. But the future will show how many can be sold for a price beyond 3.000 USD.
Pegaso was in the past regularly at the forefront in raising prices for high-quality-kits to new heights. And while this happened customers still flocked around their sale stands at the shows. Now things have changed - people take a look and move on - IMHO not just because there is a market for recasts but due to high quality kits available from other producers at a more reasonable price level.
Currently Pegaso offers classic kits for very reasonable prices "on sale" at their website. I wonder how their income would have developed if they had applied these prices earlier.
All this has got me, a stupid question.... How many of us buy ready painted figures? I ask because to me
it seems a bit strange to deny yourself the fun bit of this hobby, or am I so much out of step here ? Has the 'collecting' bit
become more important than the 'painting' bit ?
All this has got me, a stupid question.... How many of us buy ready painted figures?

Exactly what I keep asking... this seems the wrong platform for this sort of fig (as with SKW and FL). Is this an Eastern European thing?
Well said I love this hobby to paint and create my version of a kit. Some I'm happy with others not so much but that's what makes me come back for me.....I continue build my grey army bc I love the sculpt and hope one day to get around to painting it....its my opinion only but why would I buy a painted kit....with that money theres many kits I could purchase and hopefully get to paint them....
The shinning light out of all this is...…………………… guys alerted me to the Pegaso sale and I just picked up John Rosengrant's German Paratrooper 200mm figure that I have being eyeing off ever since it came out. The only place I could find it was Lots Of Models and they wanted to bend me over the coffee table on price and the postage price was a joke. Also the new website seems to let you just pay by Paypal so you don't have to fill in all the forms which I hate and why I haven't ordered straight from Pegaso in the past. So once again thanks my fellow figure modellers. I might do a review on it.
Hello, this is a official reponse of Attica for the price :
"Hello Cyril,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The price of the 200mm Genghis Khan figure implemented in Museum painting quality (as on the photos) is $3179. The price of the figure in simpler and less detailed Art painting quality will be $2100.
If you have any questions please let me know."
Just lol !!!!!
For example, what if, in the future, each person who is being submitted for a contest would require proof (such as the original invoice) that this is a legal figure that was legally purchased?

And unless this proof would not allow the figure to compete ...?

What if, I did not get a receipt at the venue where I bought the figure, what if someone produces a faked receipt at a show, what if people simply buy recasts without taking part in a competition??? - What if we simply turn back to the topic of this thread?
Interesting to learn about the "reduced" price for a simpler painted figure - 2.100 USD.
The future will tell if this is a succesfull marketing policy on behalf of Pegaso.
Nevertheless while the hobby world waits for the release of this figure as a kit I have enough other figures to paint and if I run out of them I start digging for the receipts:D
Hi Martin!

I know, my suggestion is certainly not the ultimate means - but could a litle step to make it a bit harder for the counterfeiting scene.

The honest figure lovers have left the manufacturers with the Recaster problem too long alone - apart from appeals.

As for your practical objections:

No original document - no competition participation!

And of course, one can fake such evidence. But who fakes can be caught too! And who gets caught, does not participate in competitions for life ...
Hi Martin!
And of course, one can fake such evidence. But who fakes can be caught too! And who gets caught, does not participate in competitions for life ...
I am looking forward to the qualified receipt-experts that sit at the registration table to figure out who is allowed to turn in his piece for competition or faces life long banishment. Or shall competitors pass a polygraph-test first? I can help to train them in interview techniques developed by the FBI to detect someone who is telling stories ....:ROFLMAO:
The honest figure lovers have left the manufacturers with the Recaster problem too long alone - apart from appeals.
So just go ahead sell your car and buy the sculpt painted by Attica instead of complaining that Pegaso lets his loyal customers down.
Not sure but there are a lot of amazing painters on the net, who is the person/ Judge that comes around with the stamp and says BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL I here by call this work, you have done, on your bench, at home "Museum painting quality" the other one you did last night, not so much!!!
For example, what if, in the future, each person who is being submitted for a contest would require proof (such as the original invoice) that this is a legal figure that was legally purchased? And unless this proof would not allow the figure to compete

A total non-starter and completely unworkable on all sorts of levels.

Most obviously: I (and I suspect many of us) have dozens of perfectly genuine figures that have been languishing in my stash for weeks, months, years and - in a few extreme cases - close on two decades and the receipts for most are long gone.

I'd guess it's the same for the vast majority, so if it came to a situation were show organisers demanded "proof of purchase from a legitimate source" before allowing figures to be entered, it would just kill shows.

- Steve
I’m 100% behind anything Pegaso needs to do to stay profitable and continue releasing figures. I’m assuming Konnov commands a high price for his masters. Look at Romeo for example. It seems they can’t attract a master like Victor Konnov anymore. I’d hate to see a scenario where it’s not worth it for him to release commercial sculpts.
The whole cost/price/demand/re-casting issue fascinates me so I've migrated some thoughts on this to the Figure Talk Forum here

My education and professional background are in marketing but I know little about the real-life cost structures and market issues of figures/busts etc (in marketingspeak 'high involvement speciality goods') so would welcome comments (and some hard data/figures) from the trade to temper my thoughts.